My challenges
#100 new things every day [LRT talks about the challenge]
1 Euro Challenge: How I Started Investing… By Accident!?
Summer without Facebook: Why did I give up Facebook, sell my profiles and choose work instead?
Life calendar: Will it be better if I remember every day that I'm going to die?
I wrote for 365 days, every day 1% more than yesterday
A month without garbage: How did I live without plastic?
I learned to be grateful! My Gratitude Diary Adventure
How did I read 77 books in a year? [Book Reading Challenge]
The challenge of minimalism: All 137 items I have
How did I find 100 friends in one month?
A month without internet: A challenge I recommend to everyone
Where does my time go? I tried these two apps and saw…
How did I write a novel in a month? NaNoWriMo challenge that will also be held this November
What is the Crazy Goals List?
How I started getting up at 4:00 in the morning and why I won't do it again
How did I start living healthier? Change Architecture and Small Steps Method
Month without purchases: I was checking to see if I buy junk often
A habit I never got over: Do not bring the Internet to bed
The month I tried to write daily for the first time
Time management: 6 methods to help you catch up
I haven't watched movies or played games in a month. I realized that this is not the point.
Debesylian stories
How to gain Jedi-level supernatural strength and self-confidence?
Dropshipping - where to start? A brief introduction for beginners
What is the digital nomad way of working?
365 Positive Days Challenge – how i learned positive thinking
What is Vipassana Meditation? 10 days of strict silence in the camp
Author of "Valtininkas" blog: Martynas Jočys
Author of the "Living Psychology" blog: Lina Vēzelienė
A year without alcohol: Alcohol is an escape from yourself
Self-development program "Lūšis": Is it worth paying attention to?
How to sleep better (and how to fall asleep faster)
Why did I become vegan? I got rid of acne and allergies
Life will change only when you start challenging yourself
How I opened a restaurant at his own expense, in Lithuania
On foot through Spain St. Jacob's way: why do you want to hike 872 kilometers
How to learn a foreign language – or just break through?
Aurelijs Katkevičius, editor of "Business class".: What is the modern man worth?
How to prepare for exams? 7-step memo for schoolchildren and students
To lose weight, you don't need to start with sports...
Is there truth in the Bible? He will talk with Archbishop Sigitus Tamkevičius
The student says: How I found friends on the street and on buses
How to gain self-confidence? (Its Two Kinds and Practical Techniques)
What is the Emotional Release Method? And how I learned to forget the pain
100 Day Running Challenge: "It's ideal for a strong-willed sloth"
Being self-loving = being a good person (or how to love yourself)
Science and Religions Say: Forgive others if you want to be happy
Rasa Norbute: Personality enhancement
the author of training - "Lūšis".
How to live easier, better, happier? Don't underestimate life.
What else is there to check?
For a change and inspiration: What the 3 most read authors of self-education books in Lithuania write
Why is laziness healthy, productive and otherwise beneficial? [LRT interviews Debesyla]
What is your personal inflation rate? A minimalist approach to investing review: instead of TV + 3046% is more useful
Being rich does not mean having a lot of euros
If you really love: Don't tell me what to do!
If we manage to do nothing, we should be proud of ourselves [People talks about laziness]
Crazy Goals List 2.0: Gamification of life
How I lost 21.7% of my fans in 8 hours
Why is the search for motivation harmful? [ talks about promises to yourself]
Why do tidy people have more energy? Science shows…
Daniel tells about his childhood and life lessons [Interview with Š]
Blogger Debesyla earns by being lazy [Svaitaštis Kaunui is speaking]
12+ Best Lithuanian blogs for self-development [Updated for 2022]
10+ Best Self-Education Blogs Bill Gates Reads [Updated for 2021]
Finding motivation and inspiration is a drug.
The biggest mistake you can make
Five love languages: How to understand + learn your love language?
Personal development leads nowhere. I suggest you grow.
What is minimalism? And what is it good for?
How to stop lying to yourself?
How to make +42% feel better? Learn to say "I put b*b"
From meme to star: Debesyla's autobiography
River philosophy: What I do with long to-do lists…
Who are you - a person or a Facebook profile? (Cure for Facebook)
Are you productive or efficient?
When do commitments not work? In order to achieve goals, sometimes it is better to keep quiet
[My first article] How to change yourself? Facts and arguments
And worse texts written by the duck... Daniel.
Drafts, unfinished texts and notes. Straight from duck's Daniel's head.