Tag: creativity


"Why, why, why, why, why?": Solution generation technique

The "5 whys" technique is suitable for both thinking of ideas and describing the user's wishes. Can be used both in a team and alone.


Method of thinking: Advantages, Limitations, Uniqueness and Opportunities (ALUO)

The "Advantages, limitations, unique qualities and overcoming limitations" method is similar to SWOT technique, but more for generating ideas.


Imagination exercise: Item recovery

You can do the exercise both alone and in a group. The duration is about 15 minutes. Exercise can be similar to meditation, because it is not complicated, has a calming effect.


How does 25/10 brainstorming work?

This is one of the brainstorming (brainstorming) options, where the crowd both generates and evaluates ideas during the game.


What is Bodystorming? Creativity and design technique

Body assault (or "bodystorming" in English) is one of the variants of the Brainstorming technique: a way to come up with new ideas.


How to protect your creation from theft?

Don't save.


Creativity is not marketing (So a developer needs a marketing friend)

It is related. Create and promote, create and persuade, create and sell… But creativity is not the same as marketing.


This is why you will never become successful and your work will never receive compliments

…I'm lying. What I'm about to say isn't another self-affirmation that you're a loser that you've been looking for. It's more of a motivation to not stop.


Why not pay attention to criticism on Facebook?

There are two types of criticism.


"Witch Sanctuary" about 365 days creative challenge #kuriukasdien365

on your instagram can be seen to continue 365 days of creativity challenge. How did this idea come about? Why did you start?

Hello Daniel 🙂 I will try to answer this simple question. But usually these are the most difficult to answer 🙂


An open letter to Lithuania: "What will people think?"

"What will people think?"


Autumn with an experiment #100newthingsDaily

Wonderful summer without Facebook years (I will tell you about which one and why I liked it so much here) found an idea that stuck:


3 Things I Learned From Adam Grant's Originals

I have seen this book on the shelves of bookstores for a long time. And I always passed her by, because her cover - I found it too unattractive. I was fascinated by the colors, fonts, photos of other book covers...


How to become creative?

If you're reading this, I'm sure you love to create. You like to give way to your dreams and to construct something more interesting and useful from an uninteresting life.


Best creative advice I ever heard from a friend


I got my shoes stuck. I envy Beata Tiškevič's number of followers. I don't understand why people keep old crap that hasn't even been translated into Lithuanian or anything. I don't understand why short texts get so much attention.


Walt Disney's method of creative work: Rooms of dreamers, realists and critics

To improve your teamwork, Walt Disney divided ideas into three rooms: dreamers, realists and critics.


How I quit my job and started blogging

Hi Camila! First, introduce yourself. In five sentences or less - who are you?


What is lateral thinking? And how does it differ from horizontal and vertical thinking?

Lateral mstraining, it is a conscious, systematic thinking process, the essence of which is to look at a problem from different angles. You can call it parallel thinking, and you'll soon see why.


Letter to Tom (With a set of physical units)

Oh, Oma, don't bother! Isn't the tension too high? Time pressed? Or maybe the strength is low?


What is creativity?

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I'm not creative, I can't even draw a straight line"? And have you ever wondered what creativity is?


What are Mind Maps? How to create them and What are they for?

Mind map is a great way to reframe the problem - to define a keyword and find as many directly related visual links as possible. Especially if your memory is visual - you remember what you see better than what you hear or feel.


18 exercises to stimulate creativity (which anyone can try)

I recommend these exercises if you have a creative job and your work requires your brain. Since probably all jobs now require brains, this… Well, it might be useful for you.


What is Brainstorming and what work is this technique for?

The name and technique of brainstorming, perhaps better known to us as "brainstorming" or "brainstorming", was created by Alex Osborn in 1953. He described this method in his book "Applied Imagination".


From problem to solution: The 8-Step Simplex Method

The best businesses operate through the LEAN technique - you try one thing, see what happens, do the second thing, continue. It is similar in creation and in the architecture of your life.


The power of habit (as I noticed her)

Goal of the day: 1605 words. Written: 668.


How to start creating? Good creativity is born from simplicity

Goal of the day: 1543 words. Written: 734.


Do you choose to work with quality... Or bravely? (According to expert Seth Godin)

Goal of the day: 1512 words. Written: 492.


Briefly about the writing weekend in Nida with Gabriele Labanauskaita

Goal of the day: 1468 words. Written: 407.


More ideas from my productivity notebook (Who helps create?)

Goal of the day: 947 words. Written: 660.


Creating a creative environment (part 4)

Goal of the day: 849 words. Written: 944.


Creating a creative environment (part 3)

Goal of the day: 841 words. Written: 885.


Creating a creative environment (2 part)

Goal of the day: 833 words. Written: 916.


Creating a creative environment (Part 1)

Goal of the day: 824 words. Written: 879.


What would happen if you gave up all copyright?

Goal of the day: 717 words. Written: 245.


Combo streaks method: I wrote poorly - so I believe you would write better (Part V)

Phew! And apparently that's it. I'm done. After going through paper and electronic notebooks, I discovered what drafts and texts I had written, corrected and added to these, trying not to spoil too much the style of the time, and now I present them to you.


Combo streaks method: Writing Was My Playground (Part IV)

Holy cow. And then I wrote even more!? Yep, it turns out. It's been a long time since I wrote every day, but I still wrote.


Combo streaks method: Looks like I didn't know how to write (Part III)

And then I was still writing. Here are some more updated texts from the archives. Where I could - I left the style so that you can see the difference with the current texts.


Combo streaks method: Horror, what nonsense I used to write (Part II)

When I started the daily writing challenge for the third time, I set myself a goal of increasing my word count only after completing seven days with a lower limit. Yesterday, I shared the first draft of the revised, rewritten and updated texts part of.


Combo streaks method: Third attempt to write daily

For the third time, I decided to try this new one. To write daily, like February and October months, but here the word limit is raised every 7 days.


Dreams are not ideal like good creativity

Goal of the day: 487 words. Written: 487.


Blogs from a month without internet: "Thoughts don't forget so quickly anymore"

Goal of the day: 343 words. Written: 344. Photo author Agnes * (Lithuanian, Debesian)


Blogs from a month without internet: "I feel freer today"

Interview. Interview. Interview. I've been working on interviews for the third day in a row and there's no end to them - I'm moving like hell with them. And if anything, today is the seventh day of the month.


Free book I wrote for you: 4 reasons why your creativity stops and what to do?

Goal of the day: 150 words. Written: 2671.