Published: 2017-09-11
Updated: 2021-07-06
Oh, Oma, don't bother! Isn't the tension too high? Time pressed? Or maybe the strength is low?
After all, there will be those shoes. Oh, the watts! Don't pull away, just show strength and you will see - you will soon get shoes! They will be thick, oh, for all to see!
You can change more often, periodically. You won't rub your feet any more, you'll work better, and you'll even accelerate - the potential will go up, oh how it will!
Just don't be a clay or a henry, listen to me, the temperamental, impulsive, but very warmly luminous, Daniel!
The letter is addressed to an acquaintance called Tom, and was written in two and a half minutes. 24 physical quantities are hidden in the text.