What is Brainstorming and what work is this technique for?

365 texts creativity methods
Reflections and drafts

The name and technique of brainstorming, perhaps better known to us as "brainstorming" or "brainstorming", was created by Alex Osborn in 1953. He described this method in his book "Applied Imagination".

The brainstorming method is one of the most popular in the world, it is used by such companies as Apple, Volkswagen, and many other creative organizations.

It is also used in Lithuania, but not as widely as abroad. You can find dozens of methods of this method on the Internet, but this time I will describe the classic brainstorming technique.

So what is Brainstorm?

Purpose of the method: to quickly generate as many ideas as possible to solve the problem, overcome thinking inertia, stereotypes, excessive logic and involve the collective in the general process of generating ideas.

Logic in business is not too bad, but in the ideation phase you need some creativity. That's what this technique is for.

The classic brainstorming method is divided into two phases:

  1. Generating ideas;
  2. Analyzing ideas.


  • Any criticism of the idea is prohibited, as it closes the way for further generation of ideas.
  • Refusal of prejudices, individual likes or dislikes, personalities.
  • The idea must be told in a maximum of three sentences.
  • The focus is on quantity, because the more ideas, the more non-standard ideas that can change everything.

To use this method, you must:

  • Have a problem to solve.
  • Having at least one person with a head, it would be good to have lunch and focus.
  • Have a place with a whiteboard, projector or sheet of paper that is clearly visible to all participants.
  • Have a manager to ensure order and record ideas.


  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Write it on the board.
  3. Prepare the place where the creative process will take place.
  4. Set method time.
  5. The leader explains the rules to the participants.
  6. As ideas begin to be generated, they are written on the board.
  7. At the end of the session, the manager and experts analyze all the ideas presented.
  8. Prepare an action plan for the selected ideas.


  • Every idea must be accepted and written down, no matter how unrealistic.
  • Don't form a group where there are owls and owls together, because then both groups will not be at the peak of creativity.
  • The most favorable time for Vyturi: 7-9 am, in the morning.
  • The most favorable time for Owls: 18-20h, in the evening.
  • The most unfavorable time for brainstorming: 4-6 p.m., because "Ai. Maybe tomorrow?".
  • Phrases such as:
    • "Let's put the idea aside"
    • "Sounds stupid"
    • "Who will do it?"
    • "We have no money"
    • "We tried it"
  • Don't be afraid to look ridiculous, stupid, presenting your idea.
  • Delay a final decision for at least 24 hours.

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