Tag: habits


If you feel empty, you need a routine (Experience at Vipassana Camp)

I was recently Vipassana in meditation training. There was a lot of talk about that everything comes in waves. It comes, goes, increases, decreases, itches more, itches less, interesting, not interesting, you want to read more what is written here, you don't want to read more what is written here, you want to fix your hair, you don't want to, you want to achieve goals, you don't want to...


How did I start sorting and learn to change my habits?

Question received:


How do you find time for your hobby, which you want to turn into a business?

Believing and practicing Catholics have something that many Lithuanian freelancers lack. Or rather, they have what is lacking in general for many Lithuanian residents.


Will and habits. A fairy tale for adults

I want to tell you a story about Miss Valia and a boy named Habit. About how they met.


How to get up earlier? A few commonly recommended methods that may work for you



How I threw the TV out of the house and how it changed my daily life

Indre, tell us what challenge you took on and why you chose it?


Antanas Bakšys: How did I start getting up at 6 in the morning?

Some people (or animals like me) find it very easy to get up early in the morning. For others, getting up before noon is a difficult task.


The power of habit (as I noticed her)

Goal of the day: 1605 words. Written: 668.


Was Jesus Gay? (How to stay focused?)

Goal of the day: 1290 words. Written: 724.


Are porn movies bad for us? And violent video games?

Goal of the day: 445 words. Written: 583.


Dependency Exchange Method: How to give up addiction easily?

Goal of the day: 368 words. Written: 556.


Blogs from a month without internet: "It was probably the best challenge ever"

Goal of the day: 347 words. Written: 513. Photo author Agnes * (Lithuanian, Debesian)


Blogs from a month without internet: "There would be no alcoholics if everyone had the Internet"

Goal of the day: 337 words. Written: 356. Photo author Agnes * (Lithuanian, Debesian)


Two questions I ask myself daily, Benjamin Franklin and my attitude towards routine

Goal of the day: 255 words. Written: 891.


Book by Leo Babauta "52 Changes"

Goal of the day: 235 words. Written: 1486.