Blogs from a month without internet: "There would be no alcoholics if everyone had the Internet"

365 texts alcohol habits a month without internet minimalism
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 337 words. Written: 356. Photo author Agnes * (Lithuanian, Debesian)

People become alcoholics because they don't have internet.

And I realized this when I woke up for the sixth morning in a row with a permanent marble-hard morning erection and an endless desire to make love to some girl. I fell asleep with this stone in the evenings and woke up in the mornings. …And sorry for the bluntness, but it's on topic. You will understand immediately.

By the way: I wrote this blog in December month without internet years. Today I finished it, fixed it and show it to you.

That time, just like the previous mornings, I overcame my instinct to eat OR check my phone for new Facebook messages… And rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. So I fell asleep and dreamed about four times until I finally woke up at 11:33 minutes after falling asleep last night.

I had no desire to get out of bed that morning. Because I have absolutely no idea what I want to do. I just lay there, staring at the bare wall and trying to ignore the already stifling erection - as much as possible, body, aren't you bored!? Phew.

Then I understood.

  • If I'd had a girlfriend, I'd be going crazy by now.
  • If I were an alcoholic, I would quit right now.
  • If I liked to eat, I would go eat.
  • If I wanted to smoke, smoke.
  • If I wanted to be intoxicated, I would inject myself with a dose of Krokodil.
  • And if I could use Facebook, I would turn it on.

…Because maybe people become alcoholics because they have nothing more interesting to do?

Or at least that's my theory. Maybe if we gave alcoholics, hooligans, sadists and other drug addicts the Internet and all the opportunities it creates... They would rather choose the Internet? And maybe it would be much better for everyone?

If I were a fifteen-year-old teenager, you can probably guess what I would have done with my marble friend. But instead, I got up, put my pants on, and sat down to write. The erection was gone, and the body (and his mind) were no longer sending signals about what I could or should be doing— writing killed boredom.

true I used to play video games almost 24/7. Maybe also because of not having anything else to do?

My lesson for myself today: If you want to get rid of the addiction, try doing something more interesting. It would be best if you really did it. Replace your negative habits with positive ones, but don't leave empty space, because it can be filled with the darkest ideas.

If I can replace lying in bed with writing, if I can replace smoking with chatting, if I can replace alcohol with the ability to add, incredible things happen. Very good things are happening.

If it's difficult for you without something, I invite you to try new activities. Not masturbation, right. Maybe better create something more impressive? M?


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