Tag: meditation


If you feel empty, you need a routine (Experience at Vipassana Camp)

I was recently Vipassana in meditation training. There was a lot of talk about that everything comes in waves. It comes, goes, increases, decreases, itches more, itches less, interesting, not interesting, you want to read more what is written here, you don't want to read more what is written here, you want to fix your hair, you don't want to, you want to achieve goals, you don't want to...


Cloud Cloud Watching Meditation

Goal of the day: 182 words. Written: 420. Blaze it. Photo author: Vi Kontrimaitė


Meditative listening to "Sad Dragons"? Yes, it's a force!

Goal of the day: 124 words. Written: 743. "Slibinus" was photographed by: Linas Marcisauskas.