Tag: writing


How to write (your desired text) if there is no time?

Thoughts -> topic -> statements and plan -> writing -> revision.


Who is the target audience? This is not a faceless crowd

Every content creator wants to have a large audience. But how to collect it? Content publishing is not necessarily the solution…


Your language is garbage - readers love it

What's worse than SEO texts? Authors who write so boringly that…


Writing technique: "Selected exclusively for you..."

Let me share a technique I dedicate just to you: the writer.


Writing technique: Power words that make the reader feel

remember your favorite childhood book... What book is it? And imagine: you not only wrote, but also published your book. People read it, enjoy it, memorize it, remember it! Ah, wouldn't that be wonderful?


How to check if someone will buy your book? Give it away for free!

If you can't attract readers for free, then who will buy your book? (Or another piece, as the same applies to other media.)


The phone screen as a magical fairytale portal

Oh, how many stories, books, movies, series, anime and video games have been created about magical portals. One moment you're living your earthly life, the next you're stepping through a door (or gate), the next you're on another planet.


What type of writer are you: Gardener or Architect? (And the most common mistakes these writers make)

I find it very difficult to write everyday. Although I work as a writer - I am not able to write morning papers, long articles, long books... For a long time I thought it was a mistake - that I am a bad writer.


How I quit my job and started blogging

Hi Camila! First, introduce yourself. In five sentences or less - who are you?


Briefly about the writing weekend in Nida with Gabriele Labanauskaita

Goal of the day: 1468 words. Written: 407.


Fifth attempt to write daily

Sometimes I wonder at my impurity. Looks like I'm setting myself a challenge, it's cool... And I completely forget about it!? I've already told you about some of my writing challenges, but I haven't told you exactly how I felt on those days.


Morning brainstorming before writing

Goal of the day: 669 words. Written: 307.


How do you force yourself to write every day???

Goal of the day: 662 words. Written: 392.


Combo streaks method: I wrote poorly - so I believe you would write better (Part V)

Phew! And apparently that's it. I'm done. After going through paper and electronic notebooks, I discovered what drafts and texts I had written, corrected and added to these, trying not to spoil too much the style of the time, and now I present them to you.


Combo streaks method: Writing Was My Playground (Part IV)

Holy cow. And then I wrote even more!? Yep, it turns out. It's been a long time since I wrote every day, but I still wrote.


Combo streaks method: Looks like I didn't know how to write (Part III)

And then I was still writing. Here are some more updated texts from the archives. Where I could - I left the style so that you can see the difference with the current texts.


Combo streaks method: Horror, what nonsense I used to write (Part II)

When I started the daily writing challenge for the third time, I set myself a goal of increasing my word count only after completing seven days with a lower limit. Yesterday, I shared the first draft of the revised, rewritten and updated texts part of.


Combo streaks method: Third attempt to write daily

For the third time, I decided to try this new one. To write daily, like February and October months, but here the word limit is raised every 7 days.


Fourth attempt at daily writing

And then yet there were attempts to write in December. After finishing the draft of the first short story, I tried to get back to writing more regularly. I didn't do very well.


I too started with nonsense (Part II)

Goal of the day: 554 words. Written: 668.


All developers start with nonsense (guessing or making excuses)

Goal of the day: 548 words. Written: 631.


How to write a love letter to someone who left you?

Goal of the day: 423 words. Written: 426.


A third of the year with daily writing: I squeeze myself like a lemon

Goal of the day: 383 words. Written: 421.


FAST AND FURIOUS: How to finish writing drafts?

Goal of the day: 379 words. Written: 404.


Blogs from a month without internet: "I feel freer today"

Interview. Interview. Interview. I've been working on interviews for the third day in a row and there's no end to them - I'm moving like hell with them. And if anything, today is the seventh day of the month.


Writing at night is difficult. When is the best time to write?

Goal of the day: 293 words. Written: 298Words.


There is no time to write. There is no time to write. There is no time to write.

Goal of the day: 176 words. Written: 314. Photo author: Vi Kontrimaitė


If you want to become a writer, don't do it

Goal of the day: 153 words. Written: 311.


Why do I write a new text 365 days in a row?

Goal of the day: 152 words. Written: 249.


How to write more? 10 easy step guide

Goal of the day: 122 words. Written: 132.


How to keep writing and become the best writer in the world?

Goal of the day: 112 words. Written: 850.


Are you writing? Accept writing colleagues as friends!

Goal of the day: 110 words. Written: 408.


Victoria Grumblytė: How I wrote a 100 page book in 7 days

Some people want to write a book all their lives and don't write it. Others inadvertently promise their gurus to do so and write a book in seven days.


Is writing valuable these days?

Today's question: Is the word, publishing, books, and ideas taught in writing still valued these days?


I'm stuck and don't know what to write next! What to do?

Ah, that moment when you start writing a short story (book, poem, screenplay...) and you don't know what to write next. What to do then?


How to finally start writing? A guide for writers who don't write anything

I know it is capable of: procrastination, hesitation, fear, and groaning; dreaming about writing, but never getting around to doing it.