Tag: methods


"Why, why, why, why, why?": Solution generation technique

The "5 whys" technique is suitable for both thinking of ideas and describing the user's wishes. Can be used both in a team and alone.


How SWOT analysis works: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

This is a decision-making and planning technique. Suitable for both a team and a single person.


The way to decide: 100 dollar test

How to choose the best idea? Value in money.


Method of thinking: Advantages, Limitations, Uniqueness and Opportunities (ALUO)

The "Advantages, limitations, unique qualities and overcoming limitations" method is similar to SWOT technique, but more for generating ideas.


Imagination exercise: Item recovery

You can do the exercise both alone and in a group. The duration is about 15 minutes. Exercise can be similar to meditation, because it is not complicated, has a calming effect.


How does 25/10 brainstorming work?

This is one of the brainstorming (brainstorming) options, where the crowd both generates and evaluates ideas during the game.


What is Bodystorming? Creativity and design technique

Body assault (or "bodystorming" in English) is one of the variants of the Brainstorming technique: a way to come up with new ideas.


How to become an expert: Find your own technique, method, technology

What is the difference between an expert and a person who is otherwise knowledgeable? The expert is likely to have his own not only verified, but also created way of thinking.


Repetition is NOT the mother of science: Principle of 10000 experiments (yes, not hours)

Malcom Gladwell, one of the most famous authors, once presented a principle: The greatest experts usually only become experts after spending at least 10 thousand hours or more with their craft.


How to become creative?

If you're reading this, I'm sure you love to create. You like to give way to your dreams and to construct something more interesting and useful from an uninteresting life.


What is the Priority Pyramid + How to create a map of your goals?

During the last 10-12 years, I had to be very interested in personal development, efficiency and similar things. Therefore, the shares I present may be heard somewhere else. These are things that I have tried on my fur and that work for me.


How to set goals for yourself? [4 Step Guide]

I can share what I have experienced about challenges.


A 7-step model for finding solutions

This 7-step model was created by Rick Roberts. This model is designed for people who are considering their career options or a job offer.


Walt Disney's method of creative work: Rooms of dreamers, realists and critics

To improve your teamwork, Walt Disney divided ideas into three rooms: dreamers, realists and critics.


What to do when stuck? Ask yourself what will happen if I do this

There comes a stage in life when everything is stuck, everyone seems to have achieved something, and nothing is happening in my life and I have nothing tangible. No one seems to have a problem, but I do.


What is Synectics and how to use this creative method?

Synectics, translated from the Greek word "synectikos", means "to connect different things". It is the stimulation of mental activity through free associations, connecting elements into a whole.


What is lateral thinking? And how does it differ from horizontal and vertical thinking?

Lateral mstraining, it is a conscious, systematic thinking process, the essence of which is to look at a problem from different angles. You can call it parallel thinking, and you'll soon see why.


Neurobics: Exercise your brain

Neurobics are exercises that activate and stimulate both parts of your brain. The main goal of this method is to restore "tired" neurons in the brain.


Ho'oponopono: A method of relaxation and release of anger

This method is as simple as two kopecks, but at the same time it carries with it great power. About Ho'oponopono books are written and seminars are conducted.


What are Mind Maps? How to create them and What are they for?

Mind map is a great way to reframe the problem - to define a keyword and find as many directly related visual links as possible. Especially if your memory is visual - you remember what you see better than what you hear or feel.


What is Brainstorming and what work is this technique for?

The name and technique of brainstorming, perhaps better known to us as "brainstorming" or "brainstorming", was created by Alex Osborn in 1953. He described this method in his book "Applied Imagination".


From problem to solution: The 8-Step Simplex Method

The best businesses operate through the LEAN technique - you try one thing, see what happens, do the second thing, continue. It is similar in creation and in the architecture of your life.


Do you choose to work with quality... Or bravely? (According to expert Seth Godin)

Goal of the day: 1512 words. Written: 492.


My most important boundaries: NUTs way of self-knowledge

Goal of the day: 1439 words. Written: 353.


What to do when you have too many hobbies? AAAC method

Goal of the day: 114 words. Written: 180.


Techniques for successful challenges: How long should your challenges last?

Sorry, but I rarely hear this question:


Death by Planning: Paralysis of certainty

Analysis paralysis - have you heard of this one? I'm sure of one thing: maybe you haven't heard about it before, but you've definitely experienced it.


An easier way to decide: Experiments as a solution tool

You should have noticed this by now: your life is steeped in choices. Among heavy, light, small, large and all kinds.