Tag: positivity


The Good Life According to Modern Stoics: Short version of the book

Do you want to be satisfied with your life? Stoic philosophy is very similar to Buddhist philosophy - accept and be.


Having a very specific, clear goal can be dangerous

A clear goal will help you achieve it. I agree with that. However, if you don't know what you want, how can you get it? Accidentally?


You are not irreplaceable and no one needs you... But that is not bad!

It hurts to feel that you (and especially you) are not needed. Because… Well… This is true. There are thousands like you.


How to communicate with a negative person? And how not to plunge into pessimism?

Received a question from a cloud girl:


Life is unpredictable. So why are you afraid for your future?

Do you know what your next thought will be?


My unexpected trip to India and how I learned to be truly happy there

Hello, Eve. First, introduce yourself. In five sentences or less - who are you?


For 14 days in a row, I (with my family) thanked the world: Reduced stress and dissatisfaction

Hi Diana. First, introduce yourself. In five sentences or less - who are you?


A primer on positive thinking with Evaldus Laimingoi

You may have already met Evald. Maybe you saw him walking down the street (where he often meditates) or even talked to him? Then you will agree that it is easy to get quotes from him for all cases of life. 


Pessimism is NOT negativity (like optimism doesn't mean anything good)

Goal of the day: 689 words. Written: 275.


Life calendar: How not to let life go by in vain?

The life of single people is like a holiday, like cherry blossoms.
of the second -


To be angry is to love

Goal of the day: 643 words. Written: 664.


I get up at 11 o'clock in the morning... And it's more pleasant than getting up at 5!

Goal of the day: 468 words. Written: 559.


While you have time: "Live like you're in a movie"

Goal of the day: 263 words. Written: 516.


Christmas invitation: "It's fun to work, but it's even more fun to relax!"

Goal of the day: 250 words. Written: 263.


Enthusiasm - the enemy of real achievements?

Goal of the day: 178 words. Written: 395. Photo author: Vi Kontrimaitė


Sometimes we have to go crazy to learn to be happy

Here are some rules:


Maybe you don't need life changes?

"Be the master of your desires and the slave of your conscience."


An honest review of Happy Puppies + Interview with author Alex Monaco

Alexander… Oh, I'm sorry! Alex Monaco. Personal image specialist and writer and motivator. Have you heard of him?