Felder and Silverman learning styles + which one is yours?

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Have you ever tried to learn something that is relatively easy, but you just couldn't get the main idea? Or have you taught people very simple things, but they were overwhelmed and lost?


If so, then you have probably encountered a situation where when different learning styles of people.

Maybe your and the teacher's styles didn't match and you just didn't understand each other. When this happens, not only does tension arise, but the entire learning process collapses.

Once you know your own learning style, you can expand on it and learn from others as well.

Felder and Silverman Learning Style Index.

One of the most comprehensive and well-known learning style indexes in the world was developed by Richard Felder and Linda Silverman in the 1980s. According to this model, there are four dimensions of learning styles:

  • Based on action or observation of reactions.
  • Visual or verbal.
  • Tied or loose.
  • "I experienced, means I know" or "I have a feeling, means I know".

Learning Style Index.

Once you know the dimension you belong to, you can draw a line between two different dimensions, expanding your ability to learn. However, the balance between all dimensions is also very important. You should not stray from any dimension, when you maintain a balance between all of them, your learning becomes more efficient and faster.

Using the Learning Style Index:

  1. Choose the dimension that suits you best. Read the descriptions of all and choose. You can also take various tests to help you decide.
  2. Analyze your results and determine which dimension you are most distant from.
  3. Every dimension that is very far away must be rebuilt.

Balance the learning style dimensions.

Sensory dimension - If you rely too much on your senses, then start learning theoretical knowledge, facts. Force yourself to learn information and use more memory.

The dimension of intuition - If you rely too much on your intuition, you risk missing a lot of necessary information and the risk of wrong solutions to the problem increases. Make yours memorize numbers, dates, any information.

Visual dimension - If you focus more on visual presentation of information than verbal, then you are putting yourself at a big disadvantage. Because verbal and written information are still the main ones and they are the most in the world. Start writing and you'll quickly get used to a different way of storing information.

Verbal dimension - When information is presented visually, it makes us learn quickly. If you want to develop this dimension, you have to start learning fast. Use your ability and start using the other dimension along with the verbal one. Start watching audio-video presentations (webinars).

Active dimension - If you act first and think later, it means that there is a high probability that you will make a decision that will be hasty and potentially not beneficial to you. You should concentrate on summarizing the situation. Also discuss problems with other people.

The Deliberative Dimension - If you think too much, you risk having nothing. When the time comes to make a decision or take an action, use your practical knowledge to motivate yourself.

Sequential Dimension - When you break things down into small components, you are on the right path to correct problem solving. This seems very acceptable, but is often counterproductive. Sometimes stop and think about why you are doing it and what is the purpose of it.

Global dimension – If large and rough paintings are too easy for you, then you risk running instead of walking. You see what is needed, but you don't spend the right amount of time to learn it properly. Spend more time absorbing the information, however long it takes.

Learning styles and their matching. How to reconcile different dimensions between people?

  • Sensory - Intuitive: Use facts and background information.
  • Visual - Verbal: Use visual and verbal information.
  • Active - Contemplative: Experiment and take time to analyze.
  • Sequential - Global: Structure information.

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