Having a very specific, clear goal can be dangerous

positivity goals
Reflections and drafts

A clear goal will help you achieve it. I agree with that. However, if you don't know what you want, how can you get it? Accidentally?

…What if you can achieve goals by accident? What if you don't need to define goals?

Here's an idea:

Want to learn. And it is not a specific skill that is more important to you, but a general education.

(For example, you don't want to know how to program a search box, but a web page in general. You don't want to mix pancake batter, but bake pancakes from scratch.)

...Will a defined goal really be useful for you here?

"I want to bake 8 small pancakes with a diameter of 7 cm and a height of 0.25 cm. I want to cook them in 13 minutes and after eating them, I want to be fuller for 420 kilocalories."


  1. What if it doesn't work? Were you sad? After all, if you bake 7 pancakes or 9 or don't bake any - you still gained knowledge about baking pancakes! It doesn't matter exactly how many you get and which ones, because you learned the most from the whole process or not.
  2. What if you change your mind during the process? For example, you will find that it is better to bake larger pancakes or to bake more pancakes because you added too much batter? Or will something happen and the baking will take longer or shorter? Is this also a tragedy?

Defined goals are good. But not always.

Sometimes, if you want to explore, place, time and quantity are more important. The direction is more important. The same one that Valtiniks is talking about.

Sometimes it's better to just swim. Let go of those goals.

Don't say how much. How long or how far. Just - will you swim? Want to swim? Then let's swim! And so.

At least for this moment.

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