Tag: 365 texts


Men who eat bananas: they have courage

They have the courage to be human. Be yourself.


A book by Francine Jay "Happiness to have less"

Goal of the day: 108 words. Written: 376.


How are minimalists different from maximalists?

Days purpose: 106 words. Written: 201.


What do we really need?

Daily goal: 105 words. Written: 395.


Techniques for successful challenges: How long should your challenges last?

Sorry, but I rarely hear this question:


Maybe you don't need life changes?

"Be the master of your desires and the slave of your conscience."


Tomas Misiukonis book "Coaching Techniques"

Daily goal: 101 words. Written: 387.


[Start of Challenge] Challenge 365: Write 1% more each day than the previous day.

When I started writing more than five years ago, my skills were so good that I used to write the word "thank you" as "thank you", it took me half a day to write a paragraph, and almost every sentence ended with 🙂 and similar emoticons.


An honest review of Happy Puppies + Interview with author Alex Monaco

Alexander… Oh, I'm sorry! Alex Monaco. Personal image specialist and writer and motivator. Have you heard of him?