A book by Francine Jay "Happiness to have less"

365 texts books minimalism

Goal of the day: 108 words. Written: 376.

I always do change seem to be people who say there is no benefit to blogging. Why are you wasting your time here? You can do much better!

However, the books of bloggers published one after another in Lithuanian show something else.

Leo Babautas52 changes', Francine JayHappiness is to have less", Tim Ferris "4-hour week", even the Lithuanian Alex MonacoHappy Puppies" circulations show that these works leave an impression. Despite the fact that the content of these books is mostly just a copy and paste from the authors blog.

True, the author of the book "Happiness to have less" is not as famous as the first two guys. But even her book appeared not only in English.

Francine talks about simplicity, minimalism, letting go of things (mostly) in her life and how it can be applied in her everyday life.

As you can already guess - I'm a minimalist - it is natural that this 2016 publication also caught my eye.

Short rating if you're too lazy to read on: 6/10

  • Book Design: 8.5/10. Simple, easy to read, clear. Unfortunately, it's also boring. "Tyto alba" publishing house is probably not distinguished by good designers.
  • Writing style: 2/10. How to discourage a person from minimalism? Give him this book. I'll explain why I rated it so poorly.
  • Quality of ideas: 7/10. The book's philosophy, thoughts and content are reliable because the author Miss Minimalist(.com) on the page we can see her whole story and how she applies minimalism in her life. But something more is missing.

So, let me tell you more…

What I liked most about the book:

Its structure. From an explanation of the philosophy to a general approach to organizing, detailed instructions for organizing rooms and many more ideas for simplicity. It was good.

What I didn't like most about the book:

Plenty of words.

Most holy Gods who dwell at the top of Mount Olympus of writers, why did you bestow the muse of speech on Francine, but not the muse of silence? Why?

327 leaves. All of them are full of letters, words, sentences... In which probably only 20% has new ideas, and the rest is just a repetition of what has already been said. Basically, the 80% book can just be thrown away and NOTHING will change. Because the author repeats the same ideas on how to manage the Website for the Kitchen.

Where is the minimalism here? If you want to learn more about minimalism, I recommend it this article of yours, "The Lazy Manifesto" or Leo Babautos books. Also suitable for Marie Kondo "The miracle of a tidy home".

I recommend the book:

For those who want to live more simply and calmly, but who are not afraid to read page after page of repeated examples and get into the role of an American. The translators of the text (I'm looking at you, Rita Vidugiriene) did not bother to provide the Lithuanian alternative to the Salvation Army, Caritas, in the footnotes.

The aim and ideas of the book are good - but they are damn long. And who has time to read repetitive thoughts these days?

A little disappointed with the book,
Taviškis Danielius

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