A few more experiments I did to test my limits

365 texts self-knowledge

Goal of the day: 350 words. Written: 386. Photo author Agnes * (Lithuanian, Debesian)

I have been challenging myself for the fifth year. But hey, I know this is not news to you, so I probably won't repeat it. I just want to share a few observations about my past experiments.

I denote complexity with asterisks.

  1. Life without a clock in the room (*)
    1. Since the beginning of the summer of 2013.
    2. On the advice of some girl (now I honestly don't remember which one...), I hung the wall clock from the wall of my work and then bedroom. Then I still lived in my parents' house, where I lived for 21 years.
    3. I thought this way I would focus more on work and less time on tracking. It partially worked.
    4. I repeated in December 2016 when I refused absolutely everyone watches. It was more complicated, but I didn't experience big positive discoveries either - it made life a little easier.
  2. Early riser (**)
    1. From 2013-04 to 2013-08.
    2. I got up around 7 in the morning, instead of the usual 11 o'clock.
    3. I hoped that this mode would give me the energy to get things done while still being productive. It was like it was better, but it wasn't pleasant.
    4. I repeated in June 2015 when I got up 4 o'clock in the morningThen it was better, but not very pleasant. Now I'm starting to realize that my internal clock is biased towards the late side - I drink a lot and feel happier going to bed an hour after midnight and getting up around 9am. morning Sometimes longer if your nose is more stuffy than usual, making it hard to get a good night's sleep.
  3. Life with 100 Things (***)
    1. From 2013-03 to today.
    2. I believed that it would bring ease and happiness to life. Inspired by minimalists like Leo Babauta.
    3. It helped me discover that most things are not that important to me. Give up the unimportant so that they don't get in the way of living.
    4. I repeated over Simplicity philosophy creation and will soon repeat with the 200 all all items challenge. Can I be happy with less? We'll see. #Pchallenge of simplicity
  4. As long as possible without masturbation (****)
    1. Sometime in 2009, for about two months, when I was a 16-year-old teenager. That typical teenager.
    2. I must have believed at the time that it would bring discipline.
    3. As far as I remember, it worked. Well, maybe it was just a coincidence that I felt better. It wasn't very interesting anyway and after a few months I just got tired of holding myself. I recommend it for teenagers.
  5. With bed linen folding as soon as you get up (*)
    1. Sometime in early 2013, for a week.
    2. I have seen somewhere that making your bed when you get up adds discipline powers throughout the day.
    3. Not sure if I got anything out of it. …At all. :/
  6. As long as possible without sleep (****)
    1. Sometime in 2008, for three days.
    2. Audible and visual hallucinations started, I had a headache, it was insanely difficult to concentrate, maybe a bucket (or less) of cells died in me.
    3. Good thing I was still a young kid then, so my body took care of itself.
    4. Strongly not recommended.

Well, I found these things in one of my notebooks.

Have you looked into it yet? Looking for more tutorials?

After experimenting,

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