What if you have too many ideas for activities? AAAC method

365 texts self-knowledge
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 636 words. Written: 462.

I mentioned it to you a while ago AAAC (Avoid at all cost) exercise, helping you refine what you really want and what you should really do.

Its principle is simple:

  1. You write down all your desires in a big list;
  2. Select the five most important;
  3. You give up what doesn't matter;
  4. Keep the list in a visible place so that you yourself remember what you chose as an important thing for you and what - not so much.

About three years ago, this tool helped me catch up on my days of studying civil engineering, working as an insurance broker, playing video games, and writing.

Now I no longer use this tool. But before I explain why, please take a look at my 3-year-old list that I dug up from the note archives.

Don't worry, I cleaned the dust.

Top five:

  • Complete 3-4 courses with at least a 7 average and BA in hand.
  • Increase the number of Cloud subscribers to 1000.
  • Write the first E-book and publish it.
  • Earn half the minimum from writing.
  • End your year of crazy challenges. With victory.

Avoid as much as possible:

  • Finish publicizing the world.
  • Finish promoting The World.
  • Write 3 guest posts and get a 20% subscriber boost.
  • Finish writing the skeleton of the short story.
  • Read available paper books.
  • Sell unused clothes, electronics and books.
  • To go to Jurgit in Scotland.
  • Increase the number of facebook subscribers and page likes.
  • Organize your notebook collections.
  • Reinstall Windows on Mac.
  • Hang new decorations on the walls.
  • Make a new bedside table.
  • Overwrite the oldest entries of Debesyla.
  • Buy blog-building courses and learn what good it will do.
  • Come up with a Christmas present for all your friends.
  • Write your autobiography.
  • Go to France or somewhere near it.

…And why am I not using this tool now?

Well, despite the fact that I hit all five of the Most Important Points (and I didn't even notice how I did it until today when I pulled out this sheet), I AAAC no longer needed.

…Because I have nothing left to write on the “Avoid As Much As Possible” list.

When you simplify your life enough, there are no activities left that are no longer important. There is no need to think about what to do here now or what is really important.

Throwing stones from your balloon - can fly up and away.

So, about two years ago, a year after the list was made, I dove deeper into minimalism. I was looking for what I could let go of and what was holding me back and not giving me joy or positive suffering.

Only what is most important remains.

Now, when I wake up in the morning, I have no idea what to do. I just get up and write, talk, read, waste time… And enjoy my simple, simple life.

It was my 25th birthday a few days ago and my parents offered to buy me a new cell phone. I was interested first. I thought, I thought, I chose, I chose...

…The next morning, however, I realized that no - I don't need a new phone.

Why do I need a smartphone that costs 500 euros, if I already have a smartphone from a long time ago? Suppose a new phone will feed me or help me earn money. Ha, ha!

I chose cash. And I bought delicious, delicious bananas. Now I'm eating them and talking to you.

And isn't there anything "better" I could do?
Even better than enjoying being me?

Try AAAC. And then give up everything that doesn't matter, because giving up is the way to meaning. At least that's what I believe.

no longer choosing

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