A few questions for yourself: Are you who you are?

365 texts self-knowledge

Goal of the day: 966 words. Written: 261.

Daniel, oh my dear Daniel...

Do you choose what an honest person would choose?

Do you do what a happy person would do?

Do you love what you are not afraid to love?

Are you who you are?

Honest people make the right choice. Not that they know everything. And because they believe in their choices and follow their own rules.

Not imposed, not created by dictionaries, but created by beliefs of their own rights. They build the future and build it on integrity.

How Socrates chose to die and not run away, not because he was stupid, but because he believed - then what are the laws of the State worth, if some citizen dares to disagree with democracy, the government of the people?

The poor choose foolishly, and the happy choose wisely. Research shows that without money, relationships, or other deprivation, our IQ and thinking abilities decrease. This is the bad effect of stress. Happy people make smarter choices, so they work on things that are meaningful, good, and useful.

Don't compare yourself to a bum, because a bum is made of poverty. The stress killed him. Do what the philosopher Euripides would do to help those stressed by your work.

Love is only valuable when you believe in it. Don't love a movie, book, person, or activity just because of its appeal. Don't travel because "travel educates". Do what you really love. By yourself.

And if you like caramel ice cream and bird corpses - eat that ice cream, watch the corpses rot and think about the circle of life. It's your love, after all.

Because even if you delve deeply into another person's story, you won't become them.

Reading all the books or articles will not make you a millionaire. You will not become your wife. You will not become your husband. You will not become your own mother. You will not become a good writer.

The only thing left is yourself. Sincerely true, sincerely to myself.

With sincere love,

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