Category: Reviews and other topics


How to stop lying to yourself?

We all do. Not necessarily every day, but we do. When we wake up in the morning, we are greeted with dozens and hundreds of choices... But instead of taking advantage of it, we hide some of our dreams from ourselves. Because we are afraid, we avoid the bad things that might happen and we plan that Monday will be a better time. Oops. From Monday it will definitely be a better time for changes - I will stop smoking, I will start studying for exams, […]


How to make +42% feel better? Learn to say "I put b*b"

We all do it. We live a life of a million choices. And hopefully, if we play it right, maybe we'll hit the jackpot at the end of life. We listen to the voice of the heart, what we should do. And even more often we listen to what others tell us. …But here's the problem: we do it all too often. Too often we put the reins of our lives in other hands and succumb to the rules set by others, unpleasant boundaries and hell […]


From meme to star: Debesyla's autobiography

Warning in 2021: Please keep in mind that this letter was written in 2017. No continuation… 😉 Hi, I'm Daniel! A 25-year-old learning fanatic who graduated in civil engineering from KTU two years ago and writes the blog you are on now. I don't consider myself very special: experienced, smart, beautiful, funny or otherwise gifted by nature. So I don't really like to write about myself. However, I keep getting letters from various [...]


River philosophy: What I do with long to-do lists…

We all have them. They are parasites that keep on growing. Lists of unfinished business (and unfulfilled wishes). Realistically, these lists aren't bad - they help you to put your dreams in place, to remember what you wanted to do, to put a framework in place for the next few days. It is, however, one of the techniques of productive work. But work accumulates. Unfinished projects... ...Well, I don't know, maybe you don't. I don't know. But I [...]


Who are you - a person or a Facebook profile? (Cure for Facebook)

Warning! Today, I'm going to step out of my usual comfort zone and share some facts about myself that nobody in the world knows. Most of these confessions are very intimate for me, so it was difficult to write them.All I ask is that you read the introduction before the confessions. And then in the comments at the bottom, share one fact about yourself that nobody knows either. Thank you! Do you sometimes feel you have achieved less [...]


Are you productive or efficient?

If you are trying to achieve your goals through productivity, I have bad news. Productivity won't help. It is not efficiency. A month ago, I asked my friend Taurus, who knew a bit about medicine, what is the most productive time of day for a typical person. What time should I go to bed and try to get up so that I can get as much done as possible during the day and have time to prepare for exams. I also remember a year ago, last [...]


When do commitments not work? In order to achieve goals, sometimes it is better to keep quiet

Remember that time you set a great goal and were so passionate about telling everyone about it? Remember how the goal started to feel like an obligation? It's happened to me countless times. Just because I didn't know how to keep my mouth shut and not tell anyone about my goals. ...Of course, these days there are plenty of experts who say that to achieve a goal, you have to commit. It is said that this [...]


[My first article] How to change yourself? Facts and arguments

The text below is the first and oldest recording of Clouds, released on 26 January 2013. It has not been updated or corrected and has been specifically left as a memorial. Debesyla started here. 1) You can't change yourselfYou need something to lean on, something to climb on, something to lift you higher. You can't lift yourself up by yourself, you can't [...]
