Tag: separations


A letter to an ex-girlfriend before leaving for another country



How to impress any girl and drag her into bed?

Goal of the day: 669 words. Written: 364.


Love Analysis: Why do we fall in love? (Unpolished considerations and an opportunity for discussion)

Goal of the day: 532 words. Written: 659.


What I am thankful for my ex-girlfriends (whom I loved first, and now I know)

Goal of the day: 454 words. Written: 637.


How to write a love letter to someone who left you?

Goal of the day: 423 words. Written: 426.


A painful stream of thoughts about self-loss and confusion

This letter - a stream of thoughts - was written about 2 years ago. I found it in an old OneNote notebook on my computer. Here I am presenting a doubly abbreviated and organized text. Two years ago I was in pain, and now it's nice to remember it!