How to impress any girl and drag her into bed?

365 texts separations love

Goal of the day: 669 words. Written: 364.

It's crazy easy to impress a girl.

First, create something worthy of attention. Something spectacular. Make your dream come true and talk about it in a big way (not to a girl, just to the public). Be who you are and believe it. A writer, a film director. A painter. Extreme. Justify that you live for it.

Then get a good photo shoot and sign an engaging, exclusive profile.

Then say hello and start the conversation in an unusual way.


In between, you'll find your feet between the exceptional, the boastful, the funny and the ordinary, the ordinary, the familiar. Talk about your achievements, laugh at society's clichés, share enthusiastically what you believe in, talk about your home, your parents, your pets and what you do for food.

Be open and ask questions.

A week later, ask me out on a date. Tell them you're still working in the city one day so you can meet up.

She won't agree because she thinks you're lying.

You say "Where are you going then?", which puts the control in her hands and calms her down.

She offers her seat. You offer the time. She says hers. You agree.

3 days later you meet.

Keep on being who you are. An exceptional, accomplished, funny and at the same time familiar character.

Don't be afraid to touch. If it comes down, you're doing something right. If it doesn't, enjoy the date, you bet.

Admire it. Isn't she funny, beautiful, successful and interesting?

Let your intuition guide you.

Surrender to the wave of the moment.

Just relax.

If not on the first date, then on the second date you will have already slept with her and you will be asking each other if this is the love and relationship you were always looking for. Kiss a lot. Give a small funny and worthless trinket, or better still, create one yourself. For example, fold an origami frog.


Don't panic.

Enjoy yourself.

After about three weeks, the whole fascination drug starts to wear off. For you and for her.

If the relationship has improved, continue indefinitely.

If there is less overlap, the relationship will end soon.

Don't panic. That's life. Accept it.

A month later, you'll just be friends who know each other. Talk about your work, your dreams for the future.

Don't interact too much anymore.

Deleted Tinder, Search, Friend or another dating app in the second week of dating? Sign it up again!

Card. Now catch a prettier, more impressive girl.

In five years' time, ask yourself what's going on here.

See a psychotherapist.

Speak. For yourself, not for him.

Ask questions.


You don't need a relationship to be human.

Set a goal to relax.

Tsk. For as long as it takes.


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