3 mistakes I made when trying to plan my time to the minute

365 texts failed challenges productivity

Goal of the day: 1497 words. Written: 179.

I set a goal for one month to try to plan my time… Very strictly. Very much. A few minutes off. From eating food to other magical and non-magical activities.

My mistakes:

  1. I made a schedule without knowing my normal schedule. You see, this was my first time with a challenge like this, and I obviously hadn't seen productivity porn (does that exist?), so I didn't know what to do... Long story short, I made a schedule for the day that I thought would work for me. But it didn't suit me and when I started to change it was already strange and late.
  2. I changed the schedule during the challenge. Yeah, I still broke it in places. But then what's the point of all the rigor if you alternate it like that?
  3. I had too many stat units. Instead of organizing everything into, say, how I felt (like in the early riser challenge), I had how I felt, words per minute, pages read, push-ups done, and a few more… How do I keep track of all this and what is the use of such a cloud of information anyway?

This challenge is my shame. It looked so good, but it ended in disaster.

In fact, I had to force myself to tell you about it even now. It was not easy.


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