41+ Best Books on Productivity, Time Management, and Effective Work

books minimalism productivity

You can always just take it and work. Even at this moment... But what if you could work easier, faster and smarter?

…What if all you need to do is discover new knowledge?

It is for this reason that I collected it 41+ best books, which will help you work more productively.

Read on.

How are these books selected?

First of all… I giggled. I'm not such a financial book expert that I know ALL the really useful books on the subject. I looked for recommendations in Lithuanian forums, pages, portals, blogs... I went to Facebook groups and... I asked for recommendations.

I had in the end 400+ books the list. I then checked it out on Goodreads and Amazon review platforms - do these books have good reviews? Are they really good?

These are the best productivity books left.

Books by Lithuanian authors

  1. The Lazy Manifesto: Work less, then work less; Daniel Goriunovas
  2. Attention shifts; Martynas Jocius


  1. The Slight Edge; Jeff Olson
  2. The Power of Habit: Why We Do It and How to Change It; Charles Duhigg
  3. Mini Habits; Stephen Guise
  4. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; Stephen Covey
  5. Manage Your Day-to-Day; Jocelyn K. Glei
  6. My Wonderful Morning: The Hour That Changes Everything; Hal Elrod
  7. The One Thing; Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
  8. Willpower; Roy F. Baumeister, John Tierney
  9. The Now Habit; Neil Fiore
  10. Take the Stairs; Rory Vaden
  11. Succeed; Heidi Grant Halvorson

Time management

  1. Secrets of productive work; David Allen
  2. Eat this frog; Brian Tracy
  3. 4 hour work week; Timothy Ferriss
  4. The Power of Full Engagement; Jim Loehr, Tony Schwartz
  5. Will power; Kelly McGonigal
  6. The Checklist Manifesto; Atul Gawande
  7. 18 minutes; Peter Bregman


  1. Mindset; Carol Dweck
  2. You can: Reveal your possibilities; David Schwartz
  3. Peaks and Valleys; Spencer Johnson
  4. Mindfulness in Plain English; Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
  5. Who took my cheese; Spencer Johnson, Kenneth Blanchard
  6. Rapt; Winifred Gallagher
  7. Anatomy of Peace: The Nature of Conflict and Methods of Resolution; The Arbinger Institute
  8. How to get rid of anxiety and start living; Dale Carnegie
  9. Emotional intelligence; Daniel Goleman
  10. Linchpin; Seth Godin
  11. A business myth; Michael Gerber
  12. The Innovator's Dilemma; Clayton Christensen


  1. How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People; Les Giblin
  2. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership; John Maxwell
  3. How to become a thriving entrepreneur today; Frank Bettger


  1. The Power of Less; Leo Babuata
  2. The Happiness of Having Less: A Guide to Minimalist Living; Francine Jay
  3. Simplify; Joshua Becker


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