I invite you to join the challenge! Summer without Facebook!

social networks

A challenge for you!

Who is this?

Summer. From today (8 June or later if you join) until 1 September at 00:00. Or shorter if you prefer - just a month or a week. But I'll do 3 months, because the weather is great and summer is a great time to focus!

What to do?

Be on Facebook (www.facebook.com). Do not use your account.

Something missing?

I don't think so - it doesn't mean you have to delete FB Messenger from your phone or computer (www.messenger.com) - you can still contact every friend, family member, acquaintance and acquaintance in just a few moments. If you want to.

Of course, you can deactivate your account completely if you wish. I'll just stop going to www.facebook.com on my phone (via the app) or on my computer, and if I'm really stuck, I'll block the hell out of it via one of the following applications.


Because it's good.

No, seriously, why good?


  • Stuck for time? Chances are that you spend at least 1-2 hours on Facebook EVERY DAY if you are an average Lithuanian. Don't believe it? Then try it a week before one of these easy ways to count this time online.
  • Fed up with the Dalbayobes asking for your attention, time, help and...? Guess what - while they won't stop doing it (because they're so thick-headed), they'll ask for it less now. You can tell them "Shut up, dude, I don't have time for this shit". Or something nicer. Well, that's up to you.
  • Stuck in your head? Stupid "news", idiotic memes, internet scandals and clickbait headlines like "Click Here and It'll Blow Your Brain"? I think that if you spend less time on spam, you can read and watch more useful books, Lithuanian and English blogs, seminars, programmes... or, finally, go to that fucking theatre that your wife, husband or soul has been whispering in your ear about for five months.

But what if I don't want to?

That's your trouble.

What if I want to?

This is our trouble.

Although that's the problem - if you don't like it, you can just quit in the middle of the experiment. No one will judge. The important thing is that you have fun.

What do I need to do to get started?

Just get started.I'll give you some recommendations on what you could do in a moment, but anyway, the beginning is the beginning. No introductions are needed.

So when do we start?

Me - on 8 June. But you can at any time- sooner, later, somewhere in another dimension and using a different calendar... In short, it's up to you to enjoy it - I won't look after you.

REMEMBER ONE IMPORTANT THING: It doesn't matter if something has already started - you can always join in the middle or repeat at the end!


Here's what I can tell you from my experience Living without internet for 3 months:

  • Maybe you think that Facebook is NECESSARY for your work. This may be true. But then remember this challenge when you go on your summer holidays or for a long weekend. There are bound to be some. Hint: JONINES + MINDY.
  • If you need to prepare... Get ready. You can finish more important things in advance, text your friends, get their real mailboxes to send a letter or postcard from your holiday destination... if you need to.
  • It's easier than it sounds.

Will you join?

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