Experiment 032: A month without an alarm clock!

365 texts productivity

Goal of the day: 1290 words. Written: 479.

You know, sometimes I feel like a complete idiot. Recently I thought it would be fun to try sleeping without an alarm clock... And when I was sorting out some old notes, I found that I had tried it once before!

At that time I was still living with my parents and had relatively long nights. I was also eating a lot of unhealthy food and not taking very good care of myself, so my sleep routine was also jumping...

(A scattered sleep routine is said to be the sign of a psychopath.)

...This is what happened then!

(These are notes from an earlier challenge.)

OneI went to bed around 11pm, very sleepy. I got up a few minutes after 10. Laaaaaaay, a morning with lots of pleasant dreams. Perfect.
TwoI went to bed at 30 after midnight, got up at 40 after 9. I felt fine, maybe 7-8 points. I had woken up earlier, maybe a 7, but soon fell back asleep.
ThreeI went to bed around 1am, with my eyes closed. I got up after 10.40. Feeling "meh" again.
FourthSleep was completely lacking. I started at 24 h, at 01:10 I gave up trying and got up. At 4 pm I went back to sleep. Woke up at 10:14. Sleepy, but woke up.
FifthI went to bed around midnight or the first of the night; I got up at 12:27. Very sleepy, headache. My head still hurts half an hour later. I feel I have slept too long.
SixthI went to bed at almost two in the night. It was scary because I had been reading about sleep paralysis. I got up at about ten o'clock.
SeventhI went to bed at 1:40, got up at 11:17. Lots of waking up in the morning, but didn't wake up. I feel moderately to slightly sleepy.
EighthI went to bed at about 3am. I got up at 10:50. I feel pretty good.
NinthI went to bed around midnight (?), got up at 9:30. I feel sleepy.
TenI went to bed at half past three or three. I was tired. I got up at 11:07, although I woke up an hour or two earlier.
ElevenI went to bed at 1am and half past midnight. I got up at twelve. Limp errection, woke up abruptly, headache.
TwelveI went to bed a few minutes after two. I got up at 11:35. It's raining outside, I feel great, I had a good night's sleep.
ThirteenI went to bed at exactly four o'clock at night. I got up at 12:25. I feel good.
FourteenI went to bed at 2:20, got up at 12:12. I feel good!
FifteenI accidentally fell asleep at 2:30. Woke up at 3:30. Then I went back to sleep and got up at 12:00. I feel sleepy. Eh x.x
SixteenI went to bed without brushing my teeth at half past four. I got up very tired and sleepy at twelve.
SeventeenI go to bed at 01:30. I'm desperate for sleep x.x I get up at 11:10. Better. Good. A little sleepy, but okay.
EighteenI went to bed at 1:30, got up at 11:30. I had a good night's sleep, although I woke up a few times and had a hard time falling asleep. My mood is low because of the fight I had with my mother yesterday.
NineteenI went to bed at eleven, got up at ten. But many times I woke up in the night, and in the morning I actually woke up around six or seven.
TwentyGo to bed around 1:30, get up around 9:30.
Twenty-oneSleep around 1:17, get up at 11:20. Super.
Twenty-twoSleep after 2, wake up after 10:45. Third day of sickness, nose reached the stage of total blockage (plasma density: neither solid nor completely water). I feel fine.
Twenty-threeI slept for 1 hour, got up at 11:43. Good.
FourI slept 2 levels, got up at 12:25. Up 13:20+
FiveSleep around 1am, get up around 9:50am. I feel sleepy and like I woke up too early.
SheshiI slept 20 after 1, got up around 10:40. Sleepy 🙂
SevenI went to bed around 23:20, got up at 10:20. Sleepy and over-slept, headache!
EightI went to bed around 3:20, got up around 11:40. Since I was still under the covers, I slept perfectly. I feel great!

And have you ever lived without an alarm clock? And how do you live now?


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