Is it really good to be productive?

productivity laziness
Reflections and drafts

Eat that frog - try another productivity, efficiency, technique and become better. Faster, smarter, richer...

…Sacrifice yourself. Time, energy, attention.

Create as much output as possible. Be a better employee. Make me more babkies.

Sacrifice yourself and then I will love you.

Of course, you will have to try. I can't love anyone. I love only the most productive people who devote the most energy, time and attention to effective work that is so useful to me!

Hey, don't be afraid. It's good for you too!

You will see, one day when I will love you, everything will be so wonderful... You will be the happiest person on earth... You can't even imagine...

Most importantly, be productive. Further. Donate your time, energy, attention. For my part. Here's another useful application and technique that will help you get things done faster on the 500%.

After all, you lack that. You are always missing something. I love when you miss me. Because then you work for me. Sacrifice yourself. Time, energy, attention...

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