Comparison of tested workplaces: The good, the bad and the unusual!

365 texts work productivity

Goal of the day: 279 words. Written: 396.

Over the last month, I've tried out a number of places to work on the computer. Homes, cafes, libraries and more... Here's what I've discovered.

Standing desk

  • It prevents you from being stuck in one job for too long,
  • Tired legs,
  • Less space (no need for a chair),
  • A special table or promotion is needed.

Seated table

  • Time passes imperceptibly,
  • Possibly unhealthy (sitting most of the day),
  • More furniture (chairs) is needed.

Sitting on the floor

  • Something under the seat (cushion or carpet) is needed,
  • Back support is needed, as otherwise you'll stumble (unless you have a table),
  • At the table, the problem of back pain remains - sweating,
  • You may find that your legs are sweaty, as they move the least in such a workplace.

Sitting on the bed

  • Soft,
  • May cause drowsiness,
  • Requires a bedspread (because you really don't want to sit with your clothes on the bed),
  • It is advisable to have a back support, but it is not so necessary because...
  • ...It's easier to change the position of the legs and their posture, and it's more comfortable - it's not as sweaty,
  • Potentially damnably unproductive, it's easy to lose track of time.


  • May not be close to home,
  • Some libraries are terrible or have no wi-fi, free tables, lighting or other facilities. I'm looking at you, public libraries,
  • It may be embarrassing to take your shoes off (but it is not forbidden),
  • Mostly there are seating-only tables,
  • Some close very early,
  • Some of the atmosphere is not pleasant (cold, hot, smelly, etc.),
  • The better ones allow you to leave your computer or other assets at the workplace for a few minutes without risking losing anything (i.e. safe),
  • The better ones have power sockets in practically every place,
  • It is usually quiet, and those who speak loudly are silenced.


  • Some have a pleasant smell,
  • Possible noise,
  • Some lack comfortable tables or have difficulty finding one,
  • It is strongly recommended to buy a drink, and these days they cost at least €1 each,
  • It's usually embarrassing to take your shoes off,
  • Some people may stammer,
  • Practically all of them do not allow you to temporarily leave your computer on the desk (i.e. unsafe),
  • Power sockets may be low,
  • Some have pleasant music or none at all,
  • Some of them have terrible music.

Café, standing table

  • It doesn't happen in all cafés,
  • Most of the time, it's people like you who sit all day - working or studying. Mostly Erasmus students from Spain. For some reason.
  • There may be even fewer power sockets,
  • There are almost the same advantages and disadvantages as working at a standing table,
  • Leaving things for a moment seems safer. I'm not sure if this is true.
  • When you go to work at a standing desk and don't take a chair, it seems that no one will throw you out for not buying a drink. It just seems that way.

Rented workspace (e.g. co-working)

  • Cost in euros. Usually per month or per day, unlimited hours. More expensive than cafés,
  • A space that is well suited to the work - lighting, electricity, noise, atmosphere and any additional services that may be needed for work.

And where do you think is the best place to work?


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