An ideal notation system: The one you come up with

Reflections and drafts

Oh, how many note systems have been invented - to-do lists, "Getting things done", Kanban, Planuokis and other ways of writing down. (Now every second influencer sells his own writing, his own planning method.)

I won't try to sell you any of these planning methods. Instead, I will urge you - you have to create yourself own way of writing. No matter how stupid it is, it must be productive for you and only you.

I have tried many time and work planning systems, but only when I started experimenting with my own systems - e.g. keeping some of my work on loose sheets and some on Google Calendar - my productivity has really increased. Until then, I was just copying systems, trying…

…Yes, trying a new way of taking notes can be beneficial. For that, please try Plan Notebook, try Kanban sheets, try another system…

But only yours the system will be productive to you. Not copied, but inspired.

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