You may have already met Evald. Maybe you saw him walking down the street (where he often meditates) or even talked to him? Then you will agree that it is easy to get quotes from him for all cases of life.
Maybe he gave you a silent compliment while you were riding the trolleys without realizing it? And there is nothing strange here. Because complimenting Evald gives positivity and helps him to be happy.
Our acquaintance began when I wrote to Evald and asked how he lives. His answer was much more detailed than I expected:
"I live! I think everyone should Live. I think everyone can Live. And I think I won't be wrong when I say that everyone knows how - but not everyone is willing to do it."
So, let's begin our journey through the world of Evaldo. But first… Let's do a test.
Test: Are you happy?

There are people who don't care what the conversation is about - they will keep a smile on their face the whole time even when they hear how bad you've been or feel like you're completely ruining their mood.
There are people who are so happy that they simply ignore everything that brings them negative emotions. Therefore, the word "negative" no longer exists in Evaldo's dictionary - it was replaced by "positive" a long time ago. You just need to learn to see the positive in all things - this is Evaldo's first recipe for making life easier.
About positivity and other recipes for happiness - a conversation with Evaldus:

Being happy is another habit to develop. How to learn to be happy?
You need to take care of yourself first, because that's the easiest thing to do. Only by taking care of yourself can you take care of others. The entire universe is based on selfishness, even though we are taught that selfishness is a negative trait.
There are people who go to events like the 11 Day Meditation. This can be one of the ways to become happy - to get rid of negative emotions, spend time with yourself, your thoughts and evaluate everything.
However, I use some exercises that help me to be more positive.
So, first write down what you would like to achieve - whether it is a certain emotional state or something else. Then, every time you have free time, put yourself in that state or imagine things that would make you happy.
For example, if money is happiness for you, you can dream about what you would do if you had a million. And if your passion is travel, you can dream about how you would travel. If communication with people brings you happiness, you can dream about the relationship of your dreams or think about the positive qualities of people. This way, little by little, you will develop the ability to feel happy.
Another favorite exercise of mine: while riding the trolley, compliment each passenger: "I like your scarf", "I like your glasses" or similar. When I practice this exercise often, I start to feel very good - doing good to others makes you feel better.
Finally, it is important to be in a pleasant environment. Because that's the only way you can feel happy.
When you are happy, circumstances, situations, things that are important to you begin to change for the better: relationships with loved ones, financial situation, social status and others. The most important thing is not to get attached to it, but to enjoy it.
How to overcome the obstacles that prevent you from becoming positive?
There are always blocks of consciousness that hinder positive thinking. For example, norms imposed by society or family. There are people for whom it is important to please others. Probably because they were told in their family/school that "if you want people to like you, you have to act like they like you".
It's not worth trying to please everyone - it's simply impossible, because we're all different. The most important thing is to be yourself - then obstacles will be easier to overcome.
Does it take a long time to reach a state of happiness?
It depends on how hard you try. When you start to change your emotions, your attitude towards the environment starts to change. At that time, a lot of negative things come to the surface that you may not have even known about. They are out there for you to defeat.
You can become positive within a month, and if you concentrate very hard, within a week.
But that doesn't mean that's all - from this moment you are completely happy and everything is going according to your wishes. You are just starting to grow, learn and can take up the desired activity, create, analyze yourself - each of us has various emotional blocks that are worth overcoming.
When developing yourself, the most important thing is to control fear and look at it with happy, positive eyes - this way you will very quickly get rid of the negative things that prevent you from living. This way you will find yourself more easily.
How did your positivity journey begin? What motivated him to pursue it? Or maybe positivity is innate to you?
I read in the book: "If you are happy, you will get everything you want. Be a little happier and the things you want will come to you faster." This makes me think that I would like everything I want, so I decided to try to be more positive.
My transition to a state of happiness took a couple of months. Practiced exercises become habits, fulfilled goals help to think positively. This leads to good results.
When you become positive, everything becomes easier.
What helps you get rid of negative emotions?
I usually meditate while walking around the city. I get away from my worries. I turn off my thinking - I can do it on the bus or walking down the street. I just observe the environment, but I don't analyze anything. By meditating like this, I burn a lot of calories, I go somewhere - I reach a kind of goal. I think most people do this - just unconsciously.
Sometimes it is very useful to be alone with yourself - without a computer, without other technologies, only with your thoughts. Solitude is a great relaxation!
What are the essential principles, what to do to make life easier?
The first step you should take is to relax. You don't need to immediately attack the goal, start trying. Everything comes with time.
Next - as I already mentioned - delete the word "negative" and learn to see positivity, goodness, beauty everywhere. Finally, learn to laugh, even at what doesn't work.