Tag: travel


Month with travel: When I realized that I hate traveling

What are the most popular posts on Facebook? Basically: weddings, beautiful people… And travel. Share a travel photo and you'll get more attention than on your birthday! So it's no wonder there are so many travel freaks - it's so easy to get distracted and forget the problems you should really be dealing with. In 2013, I tried to travel for a whole month. I wanted to travel around my native Kaunas for 30 days in a row […]


Laura Stančaitytė: How did I cross the Camino de Santiago?

I first heard about the Camino de Santiago maybe 5 years ago. My friend said she was going on a road trip. It was an attraction for me, just a journey and I really wanted to go along.


My unexpected trip to India and how I learned to be truly happy there

Hello, Eve. First, introduce yourself. In five sentences or less - who are you?


Czech city Brno: A city without birds! :(

Goal of the day: 986 words. Written: 95.


A story about two Germans traveling through Lithuania: "Naki, how hot"

Goal of the day: 287 words. Written: 499.