It is not difficult to recognize narcissists - they constantly brag about their achievements, take pictures, look for "influential friends", people they could be around and, most importantly...
...Daffodils are constantly beautifying their lives.
For Narcissists, life is not just a collection of events, as it is for most people. For them, life is a Hollywood masterpiece:
- If something goes well, it's the best thing that happens in their lives, in your life and in the world;
- If something goes wrong, it is a major tragedy, the country should be in mourning, look how I cried.
You may have remembered some of our celebrities at this moment.
And by the way, speaking of celebrities, it's not hard for narcissists to become famous. They naturally know how to exaggerate even the most uninteresting event, and for most of the audience - for us - it is interesting to watch their performances. We know they are lying, but it is still fun to watch. Just like in the theatre.
But the life of a narcissist is not one-sided.
It's not just about advertising and image building. It is also a narcissist's theatricality as a way to soothe his self-loathing.
Narcissus fundamentally dislikes the way he lives. He doesn't like who he is and where he came from. He wants to be more than just himself. He wants to be something else. An aspiration. A dreamed-about prey. He wants to be a modern-day Odyssey hero.
I know this because I was a narcissist myself.
I didn't like my forehead and the strange timbre of my voice. I didn't like my habits and my inability to find a woman to be around. So I tried to portray a character.
Later, thanks to good friends - real friends, not just celebrities - I realised that my narcissism was not normal. I stopped making up stories about myself. I erased everything I lied about. What I couldn't erase, I accepted as my black spot. And... That's it...
My exit from narcissism was not something special. There was no enlightenment. Just something changed.
Back to self-love...
- Daffodils do not love themselves. They constantly embellish - lie - about events in their lives.
- They don't do it to be evil liars. They just don't like being themselves.
- Daffodils are people too. Just sad. It is hard to get at their real personality, but it sometimes shows through the gaps of the image they have created.
- Maybe you are a narcissist too? I don't know. I'm just asking.
I don't know what else to say. I am not an expert on narcissism. I just wanted to share my thoughts, the experiences that I have at this moment.
If you have your own ideas - to add or to argue - feel free to write in the comments below. I'm interested in your opinion, reader.
what do you think
Hi, I also started to understand who I am after reading a few books and taking a few tests. I admit I am a narcissist and nowadays I really want to get rid of narcissism and start being myself but I am afraid that sometimes I have the habit to consider myself as golden above the others, even though I am not, to lie to others that I am better than somebody else, and to brag about what I am like, and that has become a reverse reaction of the people.You realise that nobody wants to communicate with you anymore, with the person I'm currently living with the relationship is becoming more and more repulsive.I don't have anybody around me anymore, not even a boyfriend or a girlfriend who would support me and listen to me.Believe me it's not the most pleasant feeling.If there is a chance to get back together, I'm sure I will take it. And you see where the problem is that I am trying to change my habits and I can't get over myself .I would like to find some literature or some specialists on how to become yourself and not live someone else's life.I have read many books about narcissists, but they mostly describe people like us as being evil and that everyone should run away from people like us. I understand that we are somebody, but we are also people and narcissists are not always bad people, we don't have to do it just to be bad, but we do it because we are used to getting everything and we are not able to accept any other answer than the one that is good for us. please can you recommend something, whether it's a course of treatment or a book on how to be yourself again or some stories, please share with us who might have recovered from this, thank you robertas