Is it bad to play games and watch movies all day? (Is it bad to waste time?)

productivity laziness
Reflections and drafts

What to do if you want to cancel? Want to play video games (or gamble), lie around watching YouTube, scrolling through Facebook and talking shallow nonsense with your friends?

Our inner worm, which we all have, may say: 'Aha, it's not good to get laid, because at that time you could be doing something more productive, better, more wealthy and more peaceful...'

Our external worms, which we all know, can say, 'Aha, wasting time is bad because you are abnormal, bad, oh, very bad!

...But is it really a bad thing to waste your time?

I have an idea: what if wasting time is not a bad thing?

Here are some ideas of what this might look like:

  1. You want more of this in life. Not everyone can become the CEO of a major company... and not everyone can run a literal corporation of thousands of players in Eve Online. Not everyone can become an Olympic javelin throwing champion... And not everyone can become a legendary Super Mario player, beating the game in 13 minutes or less. Becoming successful in the video game space is the same as becoming successful outside the video game space. Similarly, becoming an expert critic of films and TV series.
  2. You need rest. Simply put, your body and brain can't take all the stress it experiences every day anymore, so you need rest. Simply. Fun helps you relax!
  3. You enjoy what you do. What's wrong with having fun? Bad because someone else isn't having fun, so shouldn't you have fun? Bad because fun is the devil's invention, and Jesus, the cool dude, let's say, convinced Roman civilization that a life of misery is the only way to paradise? Give me just one argument why it is bad to live doing what you love to do.

Yeah, man, I'm sincere. One hundred percent.

If you want to spend your time doing something that allows you to develop yourself, allows you to relax, and is, at the same time, fun...

...Isn't that the best activity you could do?

And importantly: games, movies, youtube and other "time wasting" activities are not for everyone!!!

Why is this important?

Because there will be people who will think at this moment - oh, so what if we all go off to play games and watch TV shows, what happens to the rest of the world?

The world will not fall apart.

Not everyone likes games. Not everyone likes movies. Not everyone likes to chat with their friends all day long. NOT EVERYONE. And everyone will get nowhere.

And YOUR enjoyable activities are definitely not what everyone else is doing.

For example, I like to edit Wikipedia articles. Yeah, I'm the dude. But I just hate watching movies or chatting on Facebook. My entertainment is editing, filling in, Wikipedia - it's a waste of my time. And I don't like anything else.

Like my dad, who doesn't really like to read, but likes to spend his time designing, repairing, building something at home or in his workshop.

Like my mother, who doesn't like to listen to music, but likes to take care of her flower garden and houseplants.

Like my grandmother, who doesn't like fancy, fancy food, but likes to spend time with books and socialising with all kinds of people.

Feel unique with your activities. Because you are.

Your activities are not a waste of time if they help you grow, fulfil yourself, help you relax and, most importantly, if they are fun.

Enjoy what you do. Please. Okay?

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