"Minimalism has always been a logical way of solving problems for me"

365 texts answers to questions minimalism

Goal of the day: 543 words. Written: 583.

I was interviewed about minimalism and its benefits Agnė Liubertaitė, a student of journalism at Vilnius University.

I share our conversation:

How and when did you realise that a minimalist lifestyle was close to your heart?

It happened on a dark, rainy night... *cough* Well, okay, maybe not exactly. In fact, I've probably never had a sharp break in attitude - for me, minimalism has always been a logical way to solve problems. Too many books in the room and they're getting in the way? Take them out to grandma's bookshelf. Too many empty socks? Leave only the whole ones. Some strange 'friends' on Facebook sharing messages about missing people, which is of no interest to me because it's happening on the other side of the world? Screw those 'friends' - just keep the acquaintances.

Why keep what you don't need in your cupboards? Why keep burnt-out lobsters in your Runescape hero bank if the bank space in that video game is limited? Why pick so many cherries to protect them from starlings if you're going to get wiped out by so many cherries? Old man, seriously, why pick? Let the starlings eat! They are beautiful birds.

Or why rush to visit all the "memorable sights" on your "holiday" when you'd be much better off sitting in a Turkish café eating vanilla ice cream with a cherry on top?

Mmmm...! Naturally!

"The Cloudsylos blog is full of posts about simplicity - minimalism. Are these articles read? Do you get any feedback, in other words, do people find it interesting?

Interestingly, these recordings have an audience. And quite a big one. It turns out that I'm not the only one who is tired of the abundance, the clutter, the chaos of modern life and the noise that hits my head. But the recordings should also be titled in some obvious way, for example: why to let go of useless things, the art of tidying up your wardrobe, or how to concentrate on what is important.

...So it makes me think that minimalism is not necessarily a lifestyle for a part of the audience, they are just happy to share the message with their friends and show that they are following it. It's like the good relationship guides. Hmmm.

But the topic is certainly attracting attention. Especially these days, with all the advertising and the clutter of everyday life.

What does a minimalist lifestyle give you? What new things have you learnt and understood?

By focusing on what matters most, I can work less and eat more caramel ice cream. I can stop worrying about the little things - because I know that if I lose something, I will still survive - and anyway, why worry about nothing?

Perhaps the best lesson I have learnt from my experiments is that I need less than it seems. Fewer clothes (after all, I just kept so many in the closet and never wore them!), fewer books (maybe it's better to read the good ones rather than all of them in a row?), or fewer jobs (maybe it's better to choose the ones that give me money, connections and honour, rather than the ones that don't give me anything?).

I have become freer.

This is the Lithuania I fought for when I crawled out of my mother's womb. A Lithuania where you don't have to worry about the future because you are sure that you just need so little that you can get it all without even trying!

What are the main benefits of minimalism? Maybe there are also cons?

Perhaps its biggest plus is the Swiss flag. Isn't that minimalist? Just kidding, of course. I have probably already mentioned the advantages. Disadvantages: sometimes you are asked about minimalism in various interviews and you don't know what to say - it just seems to be such a simple attitude - you just have to check yourself. What do you need? And could you just not do it, be lazy to do it and not feel bad about it?

The downside is that it's so positive and easy, but others imagine that, oh, it's going to take an awful lot of effort and I'm going to lose something important! Nonsense. You don't lose yourself by throwing away what is not important!

How do you feel, is this "philosophy" becoming more popular in Lithuania? Or has it not been discovered yet? Is it worth writing about it and talking about it more?

Yes, it's becoming more popular. And there is no need to put quotation marks around philosophy - it really is a way of thinking, an easier way of thinking. The more rubbish that appears in the information world and in shops, the more interesting it will be to think about how to get rid of it.

Thank you sincerely!

Thank you too, Agne!


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