Lectures on success are worn out - the audience does not want them

failed challenges lectures success
Reflections and drafts

Let me quote myself as I wrote in the early summer of 2015:

"Next week, on the 19th, I will appear in Klaipėda, where I will tell you how to overcome failures, which are truly inevitable in life.

I will share all the knowledge on how to control your emotions and get the most out of your failures. So that after a month or three, the mistakes are not repeated. Never again. 🙂

(It used to be for me. I was never able to learn from myself before.)

If this sounds interesting, click this link and read more:"

But this advertising message (and several similar ones) did not attract attention.

There were no registrations for this event, although I used to have listeners at all the events (about challenges, productivity, laziness...).


…Who knows! I do not know.

But it seems that lectures about success and failure are no longer interesting to the audience.

I guess the "success" lectures are just worn out.

It was advertised in all the usual ways (as it used to work before), the photo appears no different, and the description was also the same as elsewhere.

But it didn't pass. The only difference: the theme.

…Next time, if I give a lecture, I will not make the topic about success. And I recommend you keep the same in mind.

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