How I quit my job and started blogging

courage creativity writing blogs

Hi Camila! First, introduce yourself. In five sentences or less - who are you?

Hello Clouders. I am Kamila Golod, emotional health consultant.

My motto: "Dream." get to know Try it. Improve”…

...Therefore, in addition to my education in the field of medicine, I completed an individual counseling program at the Academy of Psychology.

Thanks to the acquired knowledge and experience, I can help people get to know themselves better, see different life alternatives and feel comfortable in their own real life. I implement this by providing individual consultations, giving lectures, organizing and conducting creative workshops and writing articles in the cozy "House of Good Emotions".

Do you often challenge yourself? Where would you place yourself on a ten-point scale from Coward Boredom to Batman?

I don't often give myself huge challenges, but I like to constantly create something new in my life. I would write myself an 8 on the scale towards Batman, I would call myself the Muse. 🙂

Tell us what challenge you took on and what were the rules?

One of my last and biggest challenges in life was changing from a well-paying job that provided security and comfort to a completely new field - one without guarantees and stability.

I left my job as a health insurance manager in one of the largest medical clinics in Lithuania and I started working for myself, in my dream field.

The rules were quite simple: a financial calculation - can I afford to do it, will my decision not affect my family (our needs, time spent together) and is the goal I'm aiming for worth these changes.

And why did you choose this challenge?

Because I have always dreamed of helping people and creating, challenging myself and overcoming them. Working as an emotional health counselor allows me to fulfill my dream because I can help people by counseling them, adapting to the characteristics of each person.

I can also create and make others happy with my work, and by writing articles or giving lectures, I can expand people's knowledge on certain topics and open up new ways of seeing life for them.

In general, how did you manage to overcome it and what was the biggest obstacle to achieving the goal?

This challenge has had varying degrees of success. There were very fun, inspiring moments when I felt like I could do a lot. There were also downturns when you wanted to give up everything and return to the comfort zone. At that time, the family helped a lot. The biggest obstacle was the unknown, the fear of not succeeding.

What did you do when things got tough and you wanted to challenge yourself?

I tried to look at problems as lessons: what does life want to show me with negative things? And then it's a little easier to look at the situation.

Of course, family and friends who showed positive things when I felt like "nothing good is going to happen" helped a lot. 🙂

How did you feel when you reached your goal? And what did you learn and experience during your challenge?

I felt great, proud of myself. Basically, I got what I wanted. I realized that a good idea alone will not change life. It takes a lot of work, even if you don't like it, to get what you want.

I learned to be more patient, because I am very impatient and like to see the result quickly, and I had to learn to enjoy the process. I learned to act more courageously, without thinking about what others will think of people, because you will not please everyone.

I made some interesting discoveries, both for myself and for other people. I learned to look at the world more flexibly when things don't go the way you want them to.

Do you have any advice for people who want to repeat or improve your adventure?

I don't like to give advice, because I think that the person himself knows best what he needs.

So, I simply suggest that you listen to yourself, assess whether this is really your wish, and not a decision influenced by someone else.

And, of course, to know what the purpose of all this is: what do you want to get from it, how do you want to feel and evaluate the available means or opportunities to achieve that goal.

Soooooo… What challenge will you take on now? Do you already have ideas?

Yes, I have another dream for which I have already started taking certain steps. But let it remain a secret for now. When I achieve what I want, I will definitely write.

Thanks for the story Camilla!

And I, here, always wanted to become a guitar musician, like some Bremen pig. Here I go, I'm going to start learning how to do it!

Pig Antanas

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