Kamila Golod: "Courage to be yourself"

365 texts books

Goal of the day: 432 words. Written: 440.

When I picked up this book, I didn't expect to find what I found inside.

I was hoping for another self-improvement book. Judging from the title, it's about self-confidence. Another Lithuanian book, which... Oh.

In short - although I know the author of the book, Kamila Golod, personally - I did not expect a very good work. (Sorry, Camila.)

But I found this one not bad.

To be honest, when I started reading this work, I found one of the most interestingly written Lithuanian books I've read in the last year!

The short version if you're not going to read any further:

Design: 9/10. High-quality, clean, pleasing to the eye and soul.
Writing style: 7/10. A little ~wooden~, unreal, but good.
Themes and ideas of the book: 7/10. Personally, I was not very interested in the topic. Only in person.
Content uniqueness: 9/10. Unexpected! But the inside of the book was incredibly cool!

Overall: 8/10. Better than the majority of Lithuanian self-education and psychology books.

Longer version:

So. What did I expect before I opened a book and only saw its cover on Facebook?

a) A textbook with tips on self-confidence;
b) …A little more easily written textbook?
c) ……Um. His. Textbook.

What did I find when I was converted? A novel!

Emma is a young careerist who works for big goals... But inside, she is not confident in herself and the meaning of her life.

Alan is a young psychologist who begins to get to know himself better during consultations with Emma.

And some other, less significant characters.

To be honest, I'll admit that towards the end there were too many of those characters and I lost interest in following them (so I didn't) - I stayed focused on the two main characters.

The story of the book begins quite quickly. Like in a series, the scenes of the book change one another, move and jump between hours and days. Then it slows down…

...In the middle of the book, even a few pages become, as it were, an excerpt from another book. Alan turns out to be reading a book on self-confidence - you have to taste that textbook in exactly 5 pages...

…And then it all slowly, slowly went down to the end.

Bam. The story is over!

(Don't you think I'm going to go ahead and tell you everything in more detail here? I'd rather not spoil the pleasure of experiencing it for yourself!)

As I mentioned - the last quarter of the book introduces so many characters that I lost interest in reading. This part of the book was probably the most boring.

But, despite the boredom, the first three quarters were very cool!

So what do you say, Daniel?

I say The Courage to Be Yourself by Kamila Golod is an unusual self-help popular psychology book that you might enjoy reading if you're not sure if you're good enough to be yourself.

Don't be afraid - you don't have to confess to me if you have a hard time living with your soul.

…Just go ahead and read this book without telling anyone. It will help you and you will probably like it or at least remember it better than those technical "problem solving" textbooks.

This book by Kamila Golod is a story in the form of a novel for people in search of themselves.

This book in novel form stands out from other books.

And that's why I recommend reading it. I can't guarantee you'll like it... But from what I've read, you might!

Thank you, Kamila, for an enjoyable read.

Being yourself

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