Daily goal: 320 words. Written: 320. Just as much as needed.
These days, some people like to make lists and teach the world. But I have to admit, it annoys me a little. Who am I to teach you?
Honestly, I'm much more interested in what I haven't learned. Because…
a) I will be able to learn it in the future;
b) I will be able to accept it and never learn;
…And both ways are better, nor to rejoice blindly with what you have learned without the desire to tell about every step in detail, without the desire to teach it to others, not just to satisfy yourself.
These days we talk a lot about self-worth and how you should only show the world the best side of you. How should you brag about your achievements, show selfies from meetings, talk about series you watched or events you attended.
But what is value created like this? To you? Or only for a person who should be working, but is now wasting time on Facebook, Delphi, Instagram?
…What did I not learn?
- I still haven't learned to be quiet sometimes;
- Sometimes to say what I'm afraid to say;
- To understand the Soviet people;
- Cook the soup without over-salting it;
- Enjoy traveling;
- Rejoice in the drizzle;
- To sympathize with the homeless;
- Eat less meat;
- Do not eat pens;
- Do not overpay for good services;
- Not to tremble when someone introduces me in public;
- Read books to the end;
- Watch movies without commenting every minute;
- Do not stain clothes with falling food and spilled drinks;
- Do not swear or swear more calmly;
- Unable to produce 3 thousand calorie meals at eleven o'clock in the evening;
- Not checking your Facebook and email every 30 minutes;
- Stretch more often and breathe more deeply;
- Congratulate mom on her birthday and beyond;
- Take your car in for repairs more often, not just when it is no longer running;
- Do not postpone work until the last moment;
- Learn to communicate with babies;
- Understand who I am;
- Be at peace with yourself.
I hope to learn it all. Or not.

And what would you like to learn? What can't you do? For me, personally, writing this list was difficult because I had to look into my own depths and stop blinding myself to my weaknesses. I had to shed some armor to check those demonic wounds.
Fresh air is good for the soul. And I just experienced it.
I will fix some of my obstacles. Others are not. But at least now I know better who I am.
And who are you?
doesn't know