Enthusiasm - the enemy of real achievements?

365 texts positivity productivity
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 178 words. Written: 395. Photo author: Vi Kontrimaitė

Here's an idea that might sound unusual to you:

If you feel enthusiastic, motivated, energetic and have a huge desire to do something new... Then stop. Don't even start.

...Let me explain.


  1. You live a pretty cool (or not) life. It happens. Whether it's insanely interesting or the kind of boredom that gives you cancer.
  2. And then one evening you're asked, "Hey, *insert your name here*, I'm doing something tomorrow *insert a really fun-sounding activity, goal, old dream* - would you like to join me?".
  3. Dozens and dozens of flasks of accelerators, adrenalines, dopamines and all that is pleasurable are strung together in your head. So here's the thing! You asked for it and life gave you the opportunity!!!
  4. Remembering the advice I saw on the internet "Always say YES to life!" you say "Yes!".
  5. Valio. Congratulations. You will not sleep well tonight because you have caught the enthusiasm virus.
  6. Tomorrow, according to the plan, you're still working on your old dream or carrying thing with the remnants of your enthusiasm.
  7. After a while, it will be over - you will go back to your old life.

Isn't that terrible?


So look what's good:

  • You've done the powerful thing you've long dreamed of
  • Feel better

What's wrong with that?

Well, okay. The idea is fascinating. "Always say YES to life".

But have you tried to look at the bigger picture? Your life can be divided into three parts: life before the enthusiastic activity; life during; life after.

Let's see.

A) Life before:

You lived, you pursued, you dreamed, you did. There was something both good and bad at the same time. Mostly in between.

B) Living through:

Boom! Have fun!

C) Life after:

Fun! ...fun... Fun? ...What nonsense have I done and WHY?

Do you notice?

Enthusiasm is what happens when you rush to log in and check your Facebook after a long day without the internet. Who wrote to you? Who liked who? What did you miss? What did a humorist say?

...But why?

It's fun. It gives you positive emotions. It helps to "lighten up" your daily life. (Which often doesn't even need to be brightened, but that's a topic for another time).

But what of your enthusiasm? That's what happened when you threw away all your work, your life, your mind, and rushed into a new activity:

  • You gave up the road for the track.
  • You just masturbated - you had a momentary pleasure, no matter what value it had.
  • You had a good time - though I don't know why. It's like going to a club or something.

Enthusiasm is a mind killer.

So the next time you're struck by a new REALLY bad idea:
Do not seek it. Don't say "yes". Don't follow.

But if you still want to do the same thing in two weeks, a month, six months... that's when you'll know it's worth a try. And if the urge is gone in a few hours, you don't need it at all.


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