[The Clouds respond] The best book or movie for self-improvement is…

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In 2014, I conducted a survey: What best means of self-education (book, film, program, teacher...) would the readers of Debesyla.lt recommend? Here are their answers. Do not beautify.

Dietrich Schwanitz "What Every Educated Person Must Know" is an excellent book.

I couldn't single out one book because everything happened gradually, the first thing I got my hands on was Two Dads: Rich and Poor, after reading it I learned to distinguish between active and passive, I realized the importance of paying for myself and the possibility of limiting unnecessary purchases. Following the advice, I allocated a part of each earnings (since freelance income is not constant) to purchase books. That's how The Richest Man in Babylon came into my hands, thanks to him I learned to save money for new books even faster. When I bought The secret from those savings, my life changed, I realized that I can attract the things I desire, the people who can help me and thus create the world I want. The final stage of self-development was with the Brian Tracy series, where I learned to control the power of attraction and, by consciously setting goals, move towards them and finally achieve them.

in difficult times, the lectures of the super-super man Darius Ražauskas helped the stinger—> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRdsN9G0kOc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWhcs035kZ4 + the book "The Art of Loving"

If such films, which may not be the brightest, but provoke thought, would be suitable for this list, then I would definitely include the film "Perfect Sense" in such a list. One person spoke very nicely about the documentary "Baraka". I haven't seen it myself, but I was interested in the reviews

I would recommend the movie "the secret" 😉

I sincerely recommend, my favorites these days: www.gyvenimoguru.lt and teachers Paulius Naujokas, Liudas Vasiliauskas and Tadas Rakauskas and www.gyvenimorytas.lt and teacher Robertas Karvauskas.
The inspiring book "Women's Magic School" by Andrės Pabarčiūtė.
Rimvydas Žižiūnas attitude development seminars.
Enlightened man, yogi Atmaram Gintautas Baranauskas and his satsangs www.jogaom.lt

Here are some books, but in English:
Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist.
The Secret - author Rhonda Byrne
Dalai Lama - art of happiness
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Chopra
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Interesting written by Vadim Zeland. Read ONLY in Russian (LT translation does not match)
After all, when you are ready to learn, a teacher appears. The same with the book 🙂

The secret
What the bleep do we know
The shift
The fountain

For comprehensive development and expansion of consciousness, I would recommend many books by Ryuho Okawa,
of which there are three in Lithuanian:
Laws of the Sun (there's also a movie)
Laws of Eternity (there's also a movie)
Change your life, change the world.
and bad:

I personally didn't read too many books and didn't go to any seminars (only public speaking when I was part of the student council).
However, two things helped me personally to improve the most:
1) when I entered the university, I met an unreal girl - a brutally charismatic activist who was also the curator of my group. She was the first "kick" in my life when I started to really change (and I started to really want it!). And she helped me simply by talking to me. Somehow she managed to tap into my brain so that I listened and understood. One of the main lessons learned - there are no obstacles to achieving your goal, the so-called obstacles are only created by yourself. And if you really really want it, you will definitely do it/get it, etc.
2) the second thing is yoga (surprise surprise!) 🙂 Although slowly and perhaps not so noticeably, it really helps to change. I became less nervous (although there is still room for improvement even VERY much) and calmer in general, I started to enjoy life more, to notice moments 🙂
Well, if you're talking about books, I read the Dalai Lama's books. I actually read to the end (and I need to read it again) only "The Art of Being Happy" (the author is actually a psychologist, I don't remember), because I couldn't understand the rest, I dropped it. And where else do I have it, I just don't sit down and start reading.
It was only after "The Art of Being Happy" that I started trying harder to understand other people and not judge them. And anyway, once again, cherish life more 🙂
That's all, I can't say much here. My experience is that you learn more from other people than from books or something.

ok! I have a lot to recommend... as far as I have read, I really liked "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by Harv Eker, "Earn More" by Bod Schafer (although the titles are related to money, the authors emphasize that the most important thing is to start from within), Dale Carnegie's "Stop Worrying and start living"(a very useful book with many problem solving methods, analysis of various situations, how to avoid anxiety, etc.), Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and other books, Robin Sharma, and clearly Napoleon Hill's "Think and be rich" and sequels 🙂 The best self-development blog, at least for me – monaco.lt 🙂

My recommended book: "7 Habits of Successful People" by Stephen R. Covey. It is now published under a slightly modified name: http://www.patogupirkti.lt/knyga/7-efektieviai-veikianciu-zmoniu-iprociai-Galingos-asmeniniu-pokyciu-pamokos.html
This is a book without cheap and quick recipes, which includes total work with yourself, with a special emphasis on values.


Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way

I would highly recommend the book "Simple Fullness" 🙂

One of the best, brightest, energetically strongest books I've ever read (I've read a lot of esoteric, self-help and spiritual development books) is "Two Lives" by Konkordija Antarova. At first glance - a beautiful novel, but with very, very deep wisdom, light and many layers... This is a book for life, like the Bible. I think I will read it again and again. Each time you can discover something new in it, new layers, depending on what stage you are at, how much you have achieved and learned on the path of your spiritual development 🙂

Book: Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold a Ferrari

Recently, I was most impressed by J. Picoult's novel "Lone Wolf". All of J. Picoult's works are very thought provoking. I was stunned. It is both a family drama and a life of wolves. Humans have a lot to learn from wolves! I highly recommend reading it. From the movies, "Forest Gump" stuck a lot.

Www.psy-in.ru. Unfortunately, Russian language. Prof. S. Kovaliovas, the founder of the Institute of Innovative Psychotechnologies, teaches the author's integral neuroprogramming method, and the listeners gain knowledge and practice working as psychotherapists. Of course, this is not the course that teaches how by clapping your hands twice and doing three squats you can become candidates for the enlightened ones.

personal recommendation on where to start personal development:

Gintaras Lunskis (www.gintaropokalbiai.lt).

I have tried to get hold of different English sources of self-education. It started for me from listening to Bashar's seminars - he made me interested in self-education at that time.
Then I was hooked by Abraham Hicks, then a couple of years ago I liked what Indigo Teal Swan was saying.
But the most interesting thing is that after searching so much - I returned to the sources in Lithuania. At the end of 2014, I listened to several videos from the mentor Yevgenij Černyš — I liked his practicality and explanation of the laws/energies of the universe according to the concepts I understand. As a result, I started studying at his self-education school "Išmokykla".
So basically, I would recommend Yevgenij.
However, I think that the self-improvement teacher that resonates with each person is different.

I would recommend reading the book "God always travels incognito" by Laurent Gounelle. This is an interesting and motivating life story, which does not express the dry opinion of the author, but simply shows how a person can change his will with the help of those around him.

I would recommend the Bible....the New Testament...and the study of Saint Rast in the seminars led by Fr. Mindaugas Malinauskas.

I am quite green in this (improvement and self-development) area, I haven't read many books on this topic yet, but I can already recommend this one:
The book that I liked the most and left an impression is Running with the Wolves (Clarissa Pinkola Estes), it is a book for women and about women, inspiring, instructive, explanatory and very interesting, it is advisable to read for all women (not to mention men too, to know what forces are raging in their loved ones inside women), and there are also things that are suitable for both women and men. I learned a lot, it just opened my eyes, I'll admit it - I cried and laughed at the same time more than once while reading it 😀
These are not banal lessons, dry theory or pure psychology, these are tales, stories, interpretations, self-knowledge and the world, lessons and advice (of course, there is also psychology). read very slowly because you often stop to think, consider and compare with your own life.
I highly recommend :)) I hope it is suitable for your list 🙂

it's okay because it doesn't hurt anything for others. every book has a way to destroy it. there is an order to everything. I'm lucky because I have a strong teacher, so he corrected me so that I didn't deviate, and I was in a bad mood, I didn't visit her for a while, it's good that I got back on my own. For a beginner, I can recommend the first book "Sekela sekla", it won't hurt anyone, that's all

personal teacher <- mantas žalkauskas recommends

I tell them that Douglas Coupland is Generation X. They also say that she is quite famous or something like that. I can recommend it. Although, as I warned you, I don't know if you would like her.

Hello, I would like to recommend you some useful book, workshop or something else. So here I am, answering your call and recommending you this wonderful seminar, which will be held in Lithuania for the second time. You can register by clicking on this link http://www.milijonieriausmastymas.lt/?affl=AKVMOR and here you can hear what the people who have already participated in the seminar have to say about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD6ApPe2j_c ; https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=MMI+2014+lietuvuje+atlilipimai I hope I have interested you and you will definitely not regret it if you decide to take part in it.

Scott Peck "On the Unbeaten Path"

Rasa venskutes Lusies program.
Movie Secret

Hi Daniel, I am really looking forward to such a list 🙂
For some time now I have been loaded with books, looking for anything and everything to feed my soul and allow my mind to grow.
I keep a small dictionary of psychology in my purse so I don't get bored on the bus or something. Very helpful and I learned a lot about myself so I would recommend it.
I found an even more interesting one at my grandparents' house, brought it back to Vilnius with the aim of definitely taking a look:
The joy of knowledge, science and the universe.
These two books are more informative, they won't work like reading a novel, where you forget reality and get along with the characters, these are personally more useful for me.
I have attached a photo of how they look.
And I would also like to single out T. Colin Ampbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II "China study"
Well, to feed the soul, I like books by Carlos Castaneda, and for girls I would recommend Clarissa Pinkola's "Running with the Wolves"

Dalius Viršilas >>> I have been planning to make my list of seven teachers for a long time. Maybe you will help to do it 🙂
In that sense, you will encourage… NOW.
1. One of the role models of my youth in material life is Donald TRUMP. He lives large, runs in the business of skyscrapers and golf courses. He's cool (on the outside), does top model shows (Miss Universe, American Pegan) and likes to brag (that's a shame for himself)... 🙂 I'd say his family life is not good - three wives, each of them has a different child...
I'VE ALMOST FORGOTTEN HIM NOW - but I remember learning to fire the wrong people from him...I learned something, I'm still learning something (maybe). There is also my uncle, who is not famous, but has built his life from scratch and is financially very well off. But there are no more relationships in the family, there is no health...
2. An example of a passionate life is 2pac. he died at the age of 25 or so. shot rapped well, passionately, I copied one of his songs or song ideas - and wrote a song - dear MAMA. I won first place in the school talent show (aka songstress). he was young, aggressive, but told the truth. Of course, he also lived widely, to this day... HE INSPIRES ME even today. And especially the DEAR MAMA song. another Changes song.
3. An example and teacher of an effective, energetic, productive life - Sigitas kavaliauskas. Founder and President of Microuniverse. Mine is like a part-time teacher. (I learn from him). His ability to work calmly, to consistently develop projects, to arrange life very clearly and very calmly, to live in India in winter, in Spain in autumn, and in Lithuania (Nida) in summer. I am fascinated by this person. He likes my books 🙂 We have worked together on some projects. For me it is without minuses. 🙂
4. My role model and teacher is Tonny Robbins. This is me, only in America 🙂 Except for the fact that he already lives with his wife, everything is working very correctly in him from my point of view. He gives his heart. People thank him (by paying $250K per day at an otherwise event, or a couple of lemons for a weekend event) 🙂 - my ideal teacher.
5. My teacher of communications, communication, relations with the outside world, society is Dale Carnegie. His book "How to Win Friends and Influence" blew me away and already ten years ago I understood his lessons and began to apply them. AWESOME.
6. Visionary. transformer of ideas - My latest favorite is Elon Musk. Do you know that he is already making a plan to colonize Mars...? Tesla, X-space, and his other projects (paypal) are breathtaking and unreal to me. He has no cons in my eyes. 5 children, a beautiful and devoted wife… an idyll 🙂
7. My spiritual teacher is VYDUN and GANDIS. They are like representatives of Eastern philosophy. I like it. I also like Kabbalah and Muhammad, but those two are the closest. IN THE HEART.
you probably realized that each of them represents a certain energy and shows a certain level of development and where the highlights of life are for them.
Because I strive for a complete balance in life - for me they are all teachers in a certain field...
What they said, what they wrote, what they created, what they materialized, how they changed the world - all this affects me...
THANK YOU for forcing me to crystallize 🙂 well, maybe I didn't write everything down here, but the basis is this.

The two best things:

Anyway, I don't read (I used to like it, but the school pushed me away with that compulsory literature), but it just so happened that on Saturday, Ruta Sepetys's book "Tarp pilaku debes" fell into my hands (I took it from a friend from Vilnius to give it to a friend from Kaunas). I read the first chapter out of curiosity and couldn't take my eyes off it from that moment on! She is extraordinary, mesmerizing, breathtaking and heart-wrenching!

Tuesdays with Mori by Mitch Albom

Ramunė Petrulytė (from another version) >>> Hello, I recommend this one:
Why? Because it works!

Christophe Andre "Imperfect, free and happy", I think this book would be useful for everyone 🙂

This would be the book "Slenkstis" by Rev. Antanas Saulaicis, "He gave me the gift of being" by Kestuci Trimaks

Of course Bibija :))

Personally, the best books for me are Brian Tracy, Goals - how to set goals, Actions worth a million, Maximum Achievement, written very clearly, simply and concretely, without any extrapolation and unnecessary philosophy.
Also worth noting: Antonio Robins - Unlimited Power and books by Robert Kiyosaki.
Get those books and you'll see for yourself.

A lot could be offered, but in short, it all depends on the person himself, it is important that he wants to improve. In my opinion, the cheapest way to improve is reading books. For example The Monk Who Sold a Ferrari by Robin Sharma (awesome book) and many, many other books. I think the most important thing is to understand yourself.

I recommend the PRIMAL seminar, which takes place once a year in Lithuania, it is organized by Sarani, Danute Vilionyte, on her website "love on the road".

I also remembered one of my main teachers - Otto Von Bissmark. His famous phrase: "everything can be achieved only by using steel and shedding blood", and my favorite and reflecting the whole politics of life - "If you want to maintain respect for sausages and the law - you must not see how they are both made" 🙂

Robert Betz,, do you want to be normal or happy? ” book is worth reading by everyone :)

I would definitely recommend the book Loving Yourself and You Will Be Happy by Louise L. Hay

By the way, you can write down as real my teachers who lie inside me and I don't even think about them, maybe I am even their incarnation 🙂
3. Albert Einstein

The best self-help book for me is, without a doubt, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. And also the movie of the same name, which is easy to find and watch online for free. I would like to recommend all pessimists to stop humming and continue to attract trouble 🙂

The BEST article for me ever - http://dziaugiuosisavimi.lt/savo-gyvenimas/
I still have to acknowledge Zen Compass as the book that has made me the most profound benefit
Training would be the Lusis program.
I think everyone should examine the methodology in their own family. http://blog.saviarcheologija.lt/2012/08/kas-sudaro-musu-asmenybe-ivadas-i.html

I recommend Gintara Lunski

Gestalt therapy 🙂

I highly recommend Simpleology.com - it's my daily TODO list management tool + Mark Joyner has created some very valuable training courses built into the tool. It helped me to organize my messy activities. Definitely worth your time and attention. Plus it is constantly updated and the free version is quite well developed.
Next, if from Digital Marketing - my favorite teachers John Reese, Frank Kern, Rian Deiss (http://digitalmarketer.com/)
Udemy.com - A repository of courses.
In Lithuanian, probably everyone knows: webseminarai.lt, verslokursai.lt

The book "The Drama of the Gifted Child" by Alice Miller in PDF format.

This book is the best for me and has changed me the most, which you can study again and again, because as you improve, you always discover something new in it - http://www.patogupirkti.lt/knyga/Kaip-isigyti-draugu-ir-darty -itaka-zmonems.html

Most people have a hard time financially, so it would be an interesting topic about money, I recommend the book: Two dads - rich and poor 🙂

I would recommend Nlpcentro in Lithuania for self-development and personal development
organized practical coaching trainings where you can gain a lot
useful knowledge, develop your communication and effective thinking
I would suggest reading it for personality development and deeper self-awareness
these books.
Hidden Factors of Human Behavior", Mijalba Publisher. Goleman,
Daniel, "Emotional Intelligence", translated from English by Mindaugas
Balčiūnas. [et al.]. 2009. Vadimas Dekhtiaris, Svetlana Ostrovskaya
My Amazing Future: NLP: Success Technologies, [illustrated by
Živile Šimėnienė]. 2004.
I liked the following training modules the most: Basics of NLP. Effective
communication skills; Formulation of goals and search for resources;
The structure of personal experience. Reactions to experienced experiences
modes of exchange and the Harvard model of negotiation.

A long time ago, maybe 15 years ago, MS Norbekov's books had a great influence on my self-development. Currently, for the past 2 years to be precise, I have been listening to lectures and reading about Vedic culture. An inexhaustible treasure of wisdom. The foundation under my feet. It helps me to remain human.

I personally really liked "lynda.com" for improvement in the field of computer literacy - from there I learned everything about all MS office programs, their video trainings were great for me. After that, according to them, I just adapted and conducted training for the employees of the group of companies at my workplace 🙂
As for deepening my knowledge of English, I tried a lot, but Oxford press publications were the most perfect for me.
I really enjoyed David de Angelo's seminars on body language.

I would add Dickens' Great Expectations to the self-education books I just thought of. It's hard to say exactly how much I took from it and especially what, but the difference is obvious when you compare it to ~modern~ books. When you compare written wisdom. I don't find it in ~modern~ books (I do, but not like this), but you just look at what you can learn from Dickens: "The less you ask, the less everyone will lie to you.", "Don't trust any appearances, trust the right evidence." , "It [the handkerchief] smelled like a lobster had just been wrapped in it." or "Good as gold, and faithful as steel.".

Jonas Markunas "The causes of failures and diseases in human life and the possibilities to avoid them"

About the relationship:
Mark Gunoras "Through laughter to a happy marriage"
"Love yourself and it doesn't matter who your spouse is" is a super book, I simply recommend reading it to everyone who has problems in a relationship, to understand that you need to change not your partner, but yourself.
"Five Love Languages"
"Men from Mars and Women from Venus"
"Only for women", "Only for men" (generally and clearly about men and women)
Personal improvement:
All Books by Robin Sharma
"The power of subconsiousness"
Dale Kernagi"How to Win Friends and Influence"

On an untrodden path
M. Scott Peck

for me, the best sources of improvement and growth in every sense are books. I could list many of them, but the most changes were determined by Anthony Robbins' "Awaken the Giant in You"

book for self-development dr. Joe Dipenza broke the habit of being himself

hello John C. Parkin "f**k it" The ideal spiritual path (I finished this book yesterday. Definitely one of the best I've read. I recommend it. Absolute goodness. I also read that "the secret", I read carnegie, robin sharma, Bodo Schafer, vyduna and etc. etc. but this one. I would say it is very unique. I really felt better after reading it. I also highly recommend reading this magazine http://www.raktas.eu. Well, a very good magazine. Very. And you will have to go to the bookstore to buy that book if you want read).

"Angels caress my hair"
,,Trip home"

Robin sharma (all good parts, but there are some similarities when reading a lot of them) "The Monk Who Sold a Ferrari", "The Saint, the Surfer and the Leader", "The Leader Without a Title"
Dale Kernagie "How to Make a Friend and Make an Influence"
Mark Gunor "through laughter to a better marriage"
The power of subconsiousness
"The Art of Negotiation" by Roger Fisher (books sold out everywhere;( )
Only for women (I really liked the author's style)
So far, I don't remember anything very good...

This book is the Jose Silva method. and a wonderful way of life and intuition seminar with wonderful lecturers Deimante and rasa Bartninkaites. Life is wonderful, even though I will be 63 soon, it only gets more beautiful every day

of all the sources you mentioned, books speak to me the most. And from the books, it would not be possible to single out only one of them. I don't know how deep people usually dig into themselves and whether they want to learn not to show their weak points to others or really want to strengthen them, so, immodestly, I think that I am looking for something among books that will not remove some kind of deficiency, but the reason why it is so. Okay, that's enough 😀 Books that have helped me the most: Brene Brown - Gifts of Imperfection, Susan Cain - Silence. The power of introverts in a world that doesn't stop talking (I read it before it became popular), David Richo - Being an adult, Francesco Alberoni - The art of leading, Rimantas Želvys - The psychology of communication.

And I can recommend something that I tried myself and that broadened my field of perception. This would be the scripture http://www.didysisknygynas.lt/joga-vasistha-svamis-venkatesananda, it breaks the brain, as I say, makes you analyze, look at many things from a different angle, with the help of many examples it tells about our Being.
Another thing offered is a free 10-day camp http://www.lt.dhamma.org/index.php?id=2713&L=24 , in which you keep silent and go into yourself. It is easier to hear, feel and meditate in silence. It is a camp of a completely universal philosophy, accepting people of all religions, full tolerance of all ways.
The third thing is the person I visit myself and recommend to others, because he is a very bright person with whom you can experience a lot.
Location on the map: https://goo.gl/maps/ntQeg
He meditates a lot, so he receives people on Sundays, general meditation is at 5-6 p.m. And by the way, it is possible to stay in cabins with heating (fireplace) for free (for help in the household or cleaning the environment) by prior agreement, so it is possible in the winter, although the water is only from a well, but in the summer, no problems, there is a pond in the village.
If anyone is interested, I should ask him or give him his direct contact or something, because he speaks English and Danish, but not so much Lithuanian. But in any case, you can write or call me Onuta Gudauskienei 860538392.

I am currently reading a wonderful book, the novel "Two Lives" by Konkordia Antarova.
A wonderful book full of life wisdom and truly life changing. I bought it after recommendations from several people. Today I am happy about it and thank them for their recommendations and myself for the right decision

Spencer Johnson's book "Who Took My Cheese" made the biggest revolution in my life. A woman I know gave it to me to read, but after reading it, I bought it so that my grown children could also read it (they were still small at the time). They really read and the effect was there.
The second book that made a revolution in thinking again was Krajon's "The Way Home". Too bad I can't find it to buy. But I believe that she will appear in my life again 🙂

I can recommend Ilze Butkutė's workshop 😉
Yes, last Saturday was EJD (Effective Messaging Workshop). There is a particularly positive atmosphere. Ilže is very benevolent, warm, considerate, radiant with a sincere desire to improve everyone's lives 😉 It's as if she doesn't say anything magical, but those old truths that are reminded prove again and again that we can move mountains with a word of mouth.

Last year my most powerful book:
Second place:
Discovery of the Year - Marie Forleo:

My recommendation is the book "Living Without Fear: 7 Principles of Peace of Mind" by Brenda Shoshanna. This is where the inner psyche is tormented 🙂

Here is one of my suggestions today - Aleksandras Svijas "Wise Padauli"
Such a book….
Tomorrow may be a different idea...that's what makes us human and interesting, that we can change!

Hmmm, you've given me new ideas with this photo where you look very, very much like the writer of Gui de Maupassant's Useless Beauty. And more, as a girl I read about beauty, aesthetics, feminine elegance (if it is relevant to you, a man):
Lessons in Madame Elegance by Jennifer L. Scott
"The Parisian" by Ines de la Fressange.
Tish Jett "Always Elegant".
And the book is super, like medicine for a person, it's Hal Urban's "The Power of Words".

It would be Rhonda Byrne's book "Power" and the personality Dalai Lama.

the book "The Power of Habits"

I read quite a bit of psychological and esoteric literature, listened to lectures, watched movies, so it's difficult to choose, but, after all, Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist" would seem to be the most perfect, where every second sentence is a man-sentence...
Well, just very, very stuck…

I thought for a long time about which book I would choose as the best. Since I started reading at the age of five, I have already read an innumerable number of them. So, I thought for a long time, until finally I was convinced that such a book does not exist. They all left an indelible impression on me. I used to read the invention of some writer, but I identified with the heroes I read - they were not literary fictions, but portraits of myself. Who are their authors, who wrote this or that book, I was not interested in anything - I simply became a descriptive action and who and how evaluated me became completely irrelevant... I understand that my reading methodology, becoming a literary character, may not be acceptable to many, but is This is the reason why I should change something in my life? After all, it's so wonderful to go to a bookstore. There are a lot of not books, but friends - fat and tall, self-retentive and unknown to anyone, but they are all MY FRIENDS - MYSELF!

Good day. I would suggest reading Herman Hesse, Carlos Castaneda.

maybe not one book, but one thinker - Jidu Krishnamurti...his books

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