What do cats dream about or what would you do if you had four lives?

365 texts fiction self-knowledge
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 314 words. Written: 333. Magic.  Photo author Audrys Karalius.

Tonight our cat had nightmares again..

Which ones? I don't even know myself.

But she was squirming in the dark again, as if someone had changed her leg or squeezed her heart. Knock, knock. Until I called her name.

I wonder what nightmares cats have? What are they afraid of?

Maybe ours, since she is so old, dreams of them because... Well, she is old? Maybe she's already used up eight options, and there's only one left?

What would you do if you had nine lives?

Well, maybe nine is a bit too many. In that time, I guess, even the most ardent love would get bored (How many loved ones would you marry in that time? Fifty? How would you remember them all!?).

Have a nice morning. You will get bored of sweet, sour, bitter, fragrant, spicy, head-exploding, hypnotic and stomach-filling dishes. It would be boring to look at the setting sun, people working, the roar of the fire or the swaying forest of majestic firs. Perhaps, by the way, the same fir trees that you planted yourself in a past life.

Better yet, let's say you had like three lives? Or, if you don't want that mystical number, four lives? With a bit of afterlife.

How would we feel? How would we behave?

What if you knew it was the first life out of four? What if you didn't know?

Or what if you knew you had four lives, but you couldn't remember the previous ones and couldn't know which one you're living now?

Would we do the same? Or maybe you would do things differently?

Imagine starting your life all over again. You would crawl out of your mother's ass again and reach for the sky above you. You would grow up, learn to crawl and then walk, gradually talk and express your feelings not only with endless Aaaaaaa and Eeeeeee.

How would you be different? Or maybe the same?

Would we care for nature more if we lived twice? Would you vote for a party that is not run by idiots, but based on human values - ethics, morality, law, longevity? What profession would you choose, what books would you read?

What nightmares would you have on those dark nights then? And would you snort loudly?

- Meow, Meow, Meow...

And again.

"Marce, get up!" It's just a dream!

Marcė is no longer dreaming. I hear it running towards my room.

But here, do you choose something that you would not be ashamed of in the next life? Or are you just living day to day just to slip away? Would you be good, nine lives, cat?


awake at night,

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