I'm a lemon and my writing challenge is a big sledgehammer

365 texts fiction
Reflections and drafts

I'm slowly going crazy. I'm slowly going crazy. I'm slowly going crazy. I'm slowly going crazy. I'm slowly going crazy. I'm slowly going out of my mind.

I may have already left. I may have already left. I may have already left.

Mind, mind, mind. Mind, mind, mind. Mind, mind, mind.

I'm slowly going crazy.


I'm slowly losing my mind. Mind. Pro-pro-pro-proto.

I'm slowly going crazy.

This year of writing is driving me crazy. So much to write, so little thought. I'm a lemon, and my challenge is a big club.

When I get up, I write. When I eat, I write.
When I watch a pornographic video, I write.

When I have to go to sleep, I don't go to sleep. Because you shouldn't sleep. You need to write. Write letters. To have them.

Mind, mind, proooooto. Proto, proto, proooooto.

I'm going crazy.

One day I will leave and never come back. Well, when that day comes... Then you'll see! Then you will see! Daniel Garšva Goriunovas! A real cannibal lecturer.

Maybe I'm already out of my mind.

Because here I got up, took my computer and while lying in bed I talk to myself and look for answers to life's questions.

I can't find the answers.

So I write.

I imagine that I am Sigitas Parulskis. It's a pity, not on the seashore and I didn't lose the scissors - on her shelf. Also, my toenails should be trimmed, they shine at the end of the bed, poking out from under the cobblestone like mushrooms from under the moss.

One day, I will become a writer.

But first, let me write more words. Today's limit is 976.

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