The creator Simona answers: "The creator should take care of himself like Tamagochi"

happiness success

When I met Simona half a year ago, I only knew two things about her: she likes bright hairstyles and I like it.

...What I didn't understand at the time was that she is also the goddess of practically inexhaustible creativity.

Because how else can you explain the fact that she is able to do acting, drawing, painting, making dream catchers and jewelry, photography and much more at the same time?

So what did I decide to do to get to know her better?

It is logical to take an interview. 

This conversation with Simona in Jasišky (Also known as Green Leather) I dedicate it to the people of Debesylia, who are engaged in creativity, or are still learning to do it.

As soon as I spoke to you, I realized that there is no shortage of creativity. What kind of work do you do now and what did you do before?

From a young age, I was encouraged to think creatively. My mother liked to do various handicrafts, so I got hooked on it: I soon liked to draw, act, participate in creative processes and observe them. Just as newly hatched chickadees have an innate ability to fly, so I quickly became innate to create.

"Only when creating can I pour out the accumulated ideas, the thoughts of which seem like my head will explode."

Now I am involved in all kinds of creativity: drawing, playing, acting, dancing and I also make dream catchers and jewelry that I show on my face book page Greenwater.

If you had to describe yourself in one word, it would be "creative". It is both my fuel and the flames that burn the atmosphere and draw chemtrails.

And what motivates you the most at work? 

I think that the best motivation for work is life itself. It can be said that you don't even need to look for motivation - it appears by itself. At least that's how it is for me.

"Personally, I'm probably most motivated by the desire for close and important people to be happy."

I have a problem, well, a lot of people say it's a problem, that I often think of others before myself. Yes, of course, I got burned more than once, but I can't help it. It seems that it is enough to see the sincere joy and gratitude on their faces and you feel like you are in another heaven. I would like to make my mother the happiest, she is the most precious person to me, who has given me countless valuable things.

So, to those who say that they lack motivation or inspiration, I would say that there is no need to barricade yourself in the thought that something is missing now and it will appear if you sit down and wait...

"Inspiration and motivation come from looking around - what can I do to make others happier?"

When you open your eyes, ideas flow into your head by themselves - sometimes there are too many of them and sometimes you don't even implement them, but at least you know you have them. You need to be able to learn from the simplest, even household things.

If I understood correctly, you say that creativity is born because of others... But isn't that the only source of your ideas? Is that really enough?

Yes, it's a big motivation to create for other people, because you know that people like what you do and they're always waiting for something new every now and then. By realizing this, you realize that if others are well, you will be well.

Sometimes life forces you to think of something new because you lack money. But even then, I try to think of others first, not myself. It is important to me that what I do inspires, delights and warms others - and people notice your efforts.

It's a simple rule - if you give a person what he wants, he will thank you for it. With money, services or something else. And at the same time, they often ask for something new. Everyone stays happy.

You make traps, draw, photograph, act and do a million other activities - how do you find time for everything? What's your productivity secret?

Oh yes... I really have a lot of activities, of course, sometimes I don't have time, but sometimes there are days when I don't do anything at all. I attribute the last few days to rest.

But I recently discovered a trick to stay productive - imagine you're a computer pet that needs to be taken care of. As during various games, similar to Tamagotchi, when you have to feed your pet, wash it, etc. And here, monitor the scale of each activity and when the level drops in it - then it is self-evident that you need to rest or stop resting.

This is what I apply every day. If I engage in one activity for a longer time, it just happens naturally that I don't want it anymore and immediately move on to another activity. I trust my instincts and the trick of self-cultivation.

"Imagine that you are a pet - don't forget to feed yourself, wash yourself, take yourself out for a walk or exercise."

I would also advise every person to engage in some kind of creative activity, it helps to free the imagination, thoughts - it relaxes. It is a kind of meditation, through which you can pour out all the feelings accumulated during the day.

And if you start thinking: "Maybe you should do that... Or maybe this... But what will others say?" - don't think like that! It is better to take and act. Who else but you is responsible for nurturing yourself? After all, no one is holding the leash, right?

Does your creativity often run away from you and you doubt your strength? So what will you do to take it back?

Doubts arise every day. The most common question that comes to mind is: "What is the purpose of all that I am doing now?". And of course, many more similar questions follow this one. Doubts often creep in... You have to try to prevent this from happening.

What do I do to dispel doubts? I just keep doing the same thing I did first. And doubts quickly disappear when you realize that you are acting partly not for yourself, but for others. You try to make people happy with your work.

You have to try to enjoy life. Because what else is there to do in it? "Life is given to try all the pleasures it offers", someone used to say. So there really shouldn't be any doubts.

And what would you advise those who are just starting their business? Do you have any tips on how to find your niche if you want to do something but don't know what?

If you don't know what to do, try everything. In the end, something will still "stick". Simple. We all make creative mistakes and we have to figure out what works for everyone. I myself did not immediately discover what I like, and even now I am discovering many new hobbies.

Indeed, what looks wrong to me may look good to another creator. I would advise everyone to go through that creative path and discover what they really want. Because what kind of creativity is there if someone suggests everything?

And finally, what would you advise Debesylians to do and what to avoid in their creative ways?

The advice is probably one: don't let yourself be influenced by others. Do what you think about every day. And don't believe that you have to go where your heart leads, because it often doesn't take you where you need to go. You need to take your mind with you.

It is not necessary to try to invent something new. Unless you think it will be worth it. If you feel good in one area, don't let it go. For example, if you work somewhere in Maxima, and when you come back you still have the strength for creativity - don't let it go alive, creativity will help you stay human.

Thanks for the honest conversation, Simona!

Pig Antanas

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