Love letter when newly in love + Analysis of the letter

365 texts love relationships

Goal of the day: 527 words. Written: 543.

As you may have noticed - I write love letters. I quite like this genre - it's a lively, frank way of talking to your lovers without using words and other sounds from the back of your throat.

Sometimes I get questions - how to write love letters? Here is an example of a love letter, and I will discuss its structure and features at the end.


Mine, [censored],

I'm writing to you from far away Italy, sitting at the end of the sofa in your cousin's house. When you yourself are more than a few thousand millimetres away, in the land of the kitchen bar.

As you can see, this is the first letter to you that I am not writing by hand. I hope you didn't get so used to my left-handedness that you didn't read this letter?

You know, I'm watching you at the moment and I don't want to give it away... But I really like the way you go back and forth in your mind, thinking about what's written in your notebook (what's written in your notebook?), and then sighing and leaning against the desk and starting to think again.


You just kissed me on the back of the head. And it was amazing. Just like all your other kisses.

When you go to your bedroom, you're typing something on your computer. I can hear it. But I'm sorry - I can't see it. I can't see, so I can't describe how you're behaving at the moment, I can't load images and pictures of you into my memory, I can't become more and more aware of how insanely beautiful you are.

*Tensing while thinking behind his moustache. One long hair falls out. A pity...*

Well, I'll do the trick. I'm going to get a cookie. And at the same time, as if by accident, I'll see what you're doing!


You were sitting leaning against the headboard, with your computer on your bent knees. And when I stopped in the doorway, you were saying:

- What?

You smiled. I must have smiled involuntarily, too. And I blew you a kiss. That just made you smile even bigger.

I am sitting here, writing this text, and I am thinking - it is so wonderful to communicate with you like this. Crazy. And how did I meet you? Is it just a blind coincidence?

*Replaces a thought*

I've just gone and told you about two things - the mathematics of chance and the rule of large numbers. And, you know, if it was as genuinely interesting to you as it seemed...


...I hope that the mathematics of chance will mean that we will be in touch for a long, long time.


I miss you. I will finish this letter right away and come to your bed. Right away!

P.S. For the last few weeks my texts and letters have been strangely unclear, unpoetic and *tokie*. I don't understand - maybe it's your influence? Maybe I make you forget how to cook and I forget how to write?

P.S.S. :3

Overview of the letter:

This letter is an example of a simple, tiny show of thought and attention. These letters can be written on sticky notes, left secretly in the lover's notebook or written in 10 minutes while he/she is taking a shower. Short, light, non-committal and light on content.

Other letters may be more challenging - for example, sharing new ideas (an idea you've read in a book, an exercise you heard in a lecture), sharing your experiences of the day (what you saw, felt, did and experienced), sharing your views on the relationship itself (e.g. what you like or don't like, when you find it hard to say it aloud). But this one is easy.

A letter like this needs no preparation. In fact, all letters, except those in which you share ideas you've discovered, don't require much preparation - just talking.

No need for signposts. There is no need for a specific "letter structure" - you just write as you speak. How do you speak? What do you want to say? What do you feel? Write everything down.

These letters are unlikely to be remembered for long. Even if written in a distinctive style or in an unusual place (maybe on a roll of toilet paper?), they will only work as a little sweet. So don't expect to leave a lasting impression.

The benefit of such meaningless letters is not longevity - it's a momentary reminder that you care about someone. Like a twinkle in the eye. And they're good for that.

Analysing letters,

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