Goal of the day: 365 words. Written: 668.
Do you know the saying "The lazy man's bread cries"?
That's not what I think. 🙂
Not only do I not think, but I am convinced that laziness is one of the most human and best feelings we can experience.
However, laziness helped me:
- Experience the most fantastic summers of your life.
- Create the best Cloud articles.
- To meet the girl of my dreams when I didn't expect it at all.
- Read more than 50 books in 2016 alone.
- Getting back on good terms with your mother.
- Publish your first book.
- ...And more.
How much more? Well, you know. You see how many challenges and activities I come up with and overcome.
All this only through deliberate laziness.
Deliberate laziness?
When I graduated from Kaunas Maironis Gymnasium in the 12th grade, my parents told me that now I had to work and study hard. When I was studying, my grandparents told me that I had to take everything from my studies that they would give me: to take advantage of the lower fees, to learn all the lectures, to get to know all the teachers...
When I first became interested in self-care, I was told that I had to get the most out of life. To be able to do everything, in every way, all the time.
This has become akin to calling for a new European emperor.
I now sincerely believe that it is more important to focus.
Not to extend our empire across the ENTIRE Eurasia of self-education, works, achievements, relationships, objects and life... But to establish ourselves at the beautiful In the Alps and live in them, enjoying a productive routine.
Enjoy life and do the things you love. To be lazy voluntarily.
With focus, I now achieve more. And I believe that those who are distracted are just wasting their attention, as I was.
When I am offered to travel, I now refuse, because I find it more enjoyable and important to write. When I am offered to join another project, I refuse because I already have a blog, the cloud people and, of course, you. And I survive all this.
When he offers to try another magic time-planning system - I refuse because my laziness it just works.
Six years ago, I was lucky enough to accidentally become interested in a different kind of life and to see some new ways of looking at life:
- When I discovered the Roman philosopher Seneca, I had the idea that maybe we don't need much to be happy.
- When I went up to the Indian sage Buddha, I found similar thoughts, but more purified into happiness, no matter what the situation.
- And when I went online, I found the Minimalism movement... Which, I realised, was made for me.
Minimalism is a way of life where you choose what's most important to you and enjoy it. You live peacefully. Focused.
...Because children who wander from one toy to the next rarely get anywhere.
From one activity to another. From one job to another. From one loved one, TV show, blog, hobby, dream... to another. Endlessly.
I guess you know what I mean?
It is this concentration, this peace, this freedom to live - this Deliberate laziness.

"In the Lazy Manifesto, I've selected the best tools for your Deliberate Laziness
One year and one month ago, in December 2015, I disconnected from the internet for a whole month. And during that time, I put my experiences, ideas and practices into "The Sloth Manifesto".
(A manifesto is a genre of work in which you announce your views to the world and invite others to join in.)
Then I showed my work to these people:
- For the philosopher of positivity Martynas Valtinakis From Boatman;
- For a coaching specialist Povilas Petrauskas from the Baltic Coaching Centre;
- For the lifestyle architect Linas Matulis from SuperTribe;
- Author of books on productivity Martynas Jocius From Surfaces;
- For psychologists Rasai Venckutei From I am happy with Myself;
- ...And several other prolific authors.
Gift after 9 working months, In August 2016, I had already finished a book on simplicity, productivity, the philosophy of a peaceful life and the practical techniques of Conscious Laziness that I use myself.
Here is one of the responses I received from Simas Balčiūnas, author of the blog Raumeningas Protas:
"It's like the Lithuanian Tim Ferriss "4 hour week",
but with more laziness and humour."
Which is exactly what I wanted:
- Share practices for a more positive life;
- Add productivity and busting myths of laziness;
- Write in easy words;
- Complemented by research;
- Don't expand just because of the number of words;
- And most importantly, to write usefully.
And I also recorded the book with my voice in the studio (you can listen to an excerpt here!), I have added illustrations and three interviews with Lithuanians enjoying their lazy lives!
Can I read extracts from the book?
Yes, of course!
1) The first passage of the Lazy Man Manifesto. This is the part from page 12 to page 24. In it you will discover my views on Conscious Laziness and what we really need.
2) The second passage of the Lazy Man Manifesto. This is the part from page 32 to page 45. Here you will discover what research says about laziness and its benefits (or maybe not?).
Read the book tomorrow if you subscribe today.
Your slacker,