Edie Weiner and Arnold Brown: "Insight into the Future"

365 texts books business

Goal of the day: 966 words. Written: 284.

This book is... Well, I'd better let me just quote it: 'ISBN 978-9986-16-5...'

Oi. I'm not sure what I meant by that myself. I'd better start again.

I found this book in the old book house "Žmonių knygos" in Kaunas. If anything, I go there and bring my own books that I've read and don't want to read again in the future.

And I picked it up because it cost very little, and it was translated by Aušra Maldeikienė. Yes, the same plump economics auntie who says all sorts of things out loud. I liked her two years ago, so of course I'm picking up her translation!

I took it. I read it. I read it.

To put it crudely, I learned very little from this book.

  1. It is difficult to read. The authors write in that typical lecturer's way - a wall of text. No rhythm, no paragraphs, no strong lines (which are the most important to remember) - just text. And what a text! It's hard to write.
  2. The studies were based on. And that's why I love authors. I love all people who rely on research, not just their personal guesses. (Except for love letter writers and poets.)
  3. Written mainly for business, in business language. Which is great, because life is a big business - politics, persuasions, earnings, adjustments - but it was all too much for me. Too much talk for business and not enough for a person who is building a business with just himself.

I found some interesting observations. Ideas. Thoughts.

But not so much that they alone make it worth reading this book, or now looking for those few sentences to quote to you.

A good book. But it would be better if only 20% of it remained.

Oh, that's right:

  • Printing: 8/10. Sturdy and comfortable.
  • Design: 2/10. Not unreadable, but not at all - just "bookish" design. Maybe Tyto alba chose this design on purpose, because I see the label "business book" on the cover?
  • Style: 3/10. Apart from a few jokes... Eh.
  • Ideas: 6/10. Good, but too diluted.

Overall: 4/10.

Do I keep the book for future reading? No, it will go back to People Books! Hopefully in the hands of a more entrepreneurial reader.

while reading

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