Chronicles of Simplicity (2/6): What is simplicity? Its two principles.

365 texts minimalism chronicles of simplicity
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 187 words. Written: 376.

Ordinary: uncomplicated, unpretentious. E.g.: "work", "thing".

- Dictionary of the Lithuanian language

The heart of simplicity. Two principles, two questions and one rule.

Like the human blood flow system, simplicity also has two paths (principles), two directions (questions) and one muscle (rule). And don't worry, it's simpler than it may sound. No knowledge of biology or human structure is necessary here.

Let me first look at the principles.

Simplicity principles(s)

So first of all:

"Separate the chaff from the wheat."

- Lithuanian folk saying

Because your life is short (even if you live to be 67 or 80), your days are even shorter (you sleep a third of the time and work the other third), and your strength is limited now and will be even more limited when you get older. You should take the opportunity to distinguish between what is really important and what is not.

Because life is not meant to be lived surrounded by unpleasant people, your own activities or habits, objects and feelings. It is meant to be enjoyed.

For the grain makes you feel full, but the chaff, whatever it is, does not.

And secondly:

"Look for the essence in everything."

- That's what I just said, about a second ago

While a "business as usual" attitude and acceptance of the world is a good and healthy approach, it is also healthy to look deeper into why the world works the way it does. This is not a search for Meaning, because meaning is difficult to extract - it is a search for essence.

It is healthy to look into why WE act the way we do. Why we want something and not so much the other. Why are you reading this text right now and not checking the notifications on your smartphone? Why do you feel sleepy when you eat a full meal and energetic when you don't eat a full meal? And so on.

Something, be it God or chemical reactions between the minerals in the gametes, gave you life. And it is not just for pleasure-seeking.

While it's fun and important to live well, it's also important not to take your eyes off yourself and your actions. From the environment and what it does. From what is happening around you. This will be necessary for a happy life.

(What are those Simplicity Questions? Continued tomorrow!)

In principle,

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