Advantages of minimalism (1/7): Achieve more by working less

365 texts the advantages of minimalism
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 163 words. Written: 263.

Why Simplicity? Why do I consider myself a seeker of Minimalism? What are its benefits?

Firstly, it can help you... Achieve more with much less.

Imagine that one day you got the chance to turn your life around and you found yourself about a second before your life began. The curtain of the video game "Reality" drops in front of your eyes and you can choose between a Lithuanian who works hard but earns little and an Italian who holidays a lot but earns a lot.

What do you choose? Diligence, which brings nothing of value (except for keeping you busy for days), or efficiency, which gives away all the rewards of work for the lowest price?

Well, okay, maybe I've oversimplified the situation a bit. There are Lithuanians who don't believe that "working hard and sweating" is the best way to live 67 years of life, and instead of wasting their time, they only work on what is most valuable.

And I'm sure you've heard that phrase among people who are entrepreneurial and interested in personal growth:

"Just 20% of work yields 80% of result. So pay attention to the most efficient 20%."

- Pareto principle

...Except that almost no one explains how to find and use the 20%. They tell you that you need it, but if you ask for more specifics, they are silent or say "well, that's elementary...".

Simplicity gives you the missing tools and ideas to help you select what matters most and what brings you the most joy, value or rough money with the least hassle. Or to put it more simply - work less and earn more. Through simplicity, you can let go of the 80% of hassle that brings only 20% of benefit and reclaim most of your day. Or make better use of that part.

Because you can:

a) Finding how to work more, to find those most useful 2o% jobs...
b) Give up everything that doesn't matter, work less and the most important things will take care of themselves.

Which way sounds easier? Simplicity is the way.


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