#Soul in Stone (28)

365 texts fiction Soul in stone
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 1068 words. Written: 213.

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- I say, for that many bucks I'll buy some TRIS autocrystals GX-3. I am responsible for the bazaar. You'll see what kind of business I'll make for such a small job for the King of Babkas!

John laughed.

- You say, Peter? Are you? Somehow it seems that as soon as you get the litas, you will spend it on cheap beer and whisky, just like last time!

- Hey! - I frowned, - It wasn't cheap at all! You were with me, premium beer and bourbon! Tom, you'll confirm, won't you? After all, it's the word of a Bahur!

Tom nodded.

- The word of Bahur," he repeated.

John probably couldn't find the words, so he just spat the phlegm on the train floor. Some ugly bimbo on the other side of the seats gave him a disgusted look, but John didn't care, and neither did I, for that matter. You know, whatever the bitch is thinking - they might not know how to think at all.

The train whistled again as it turned on its rails. And, whistling, it flew out of the forest and into the fields. I turned my head and pointed my finger at the town of Gauja, still far away but visible in the meadows between the hills.

- But you know, even though our Babki King has a lot of babkas... But his taste is interesting.

- Whatever they want, that's what happens, even if they build a shit city," John replied, blowing one nostril right on the floor of the train, "because it's important that at least they pay us a salary. Who are you, a designer perhaps, to judge?

And he swore, wiping his snotty finger on his jumper.

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