#Soul in Stone (19)

365 texts fiction Soul in stone
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 920 words. Written: 917.

"...O God. What kind of person is she!??"

- Um... - I muttered, - not bad?

- Would you like to try it? - Gabrielle was eager to offer.

"This is going nowhere. I don't like it."

I glanced at Joe, who was still on the shelf.

- Let me get the funniest one," Gabrielle suddenly stood up and walked to the wall, giggling, to grab one of these toys.

I looked at the Stone again before Gabrielle saw me. Then out of the window, into the bright sun shining brightly outside, then into the metal door of the study-room.

- Here," said Gabrielle, taking one of the purple elongated crystals off its hook shelf on the wall and going back.

Gabrielle came back and, leaning back on the sofa, blocking the only way to the door, she held out her toy in front of me and showed it to me with a smile.

- And now look. - she said, picking up the crystal and patting it several times. It began to swell and change shape, "The shape of a real man's penis, see?

"O. Mine. God. Holy. No. I don't want to. Where. Exit. Argh!?"

- Eee," I muttered, turning in my chair as Gabrielle approached.

She came over to me and, sitting on the next chair, put her hand on my thigh.

- So, how about showing me how your wounds are? - Gabrielle winked at me, still grinning picturesquely.

- I... I refuse. - I didn't know what to do or say, so I started. And then, standing up and watching the thing on Gabrielle's lap, I gurgled:

- I'd better go somewhere.

Suddenly, Gabrielle grabbed me roughly by the sleeve and pulled me down onto the chair where I was stumbling.

- Are you coming? - Gabrielle began in a sarcastic tone, and for the first time, an angry note began to be heard in her voice, "And where are you going, dear? So you're not well yet, and with tits like yours, someone would catch you on the street and rape you in a mean, mean way.

- I'll still go! - I tried to stand again, but she held me firmly in the chair.

- Well, well," she said in a sticky voice, with one hand on my thigh and the other on my shoulder, her fingers going up to the zipper of my jumper, "there's no need to be so resistant. I'm just your friend and, you know, I really, really like you. Very much. Did I say you were very pretty?

- I... Get away! - I pushed Gabrielle harder and, shaking, slipped out of her clutches and ran to the sofa.

"I need to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Gabrielle immediately stood up, squealed and started to slowly creep up to me. I immediately looked around the room - what should I do? The door was behind me. But exactly, another Stone!

I danced to Joe and Gabrielle danced on me.

- Aargh! - I cried out, clutched in her arms. All the wounds seemed to open and a wave of lightning-speed pain swept across my back.

But to Gabriele, my exclamation was irrelevant. She took her dildo and held it across my chest with one hand while the other drove it into my crotch.

- Well, take off those trousers," he whispered in my ear, in a voice that must have reached the epicentre of his bad guy voice. Or was getting close to it, "So I saw your cunt when I was undressing you! It's beautiful, small and pink, with black fur all around!

- Get off! - I shouted, and kept trying to get out of her grasp. Every time I moved in her arms, pain shot through my back.


I jerked again in her arms and tried to slide down. Only I didn't slip through her arms, because she would have grabbed me already by the neck. I did what I had a clear path for first.

- Ampf!- I bite the hand that was holding me across my chest.

And with my own hands I pushed Gabrielle's grasp away and, when she screamed in surprise and retreated, I slipped out.


I walked over to the shelf with the Stone and grabbed it. Then I grabbed the protruding thread and, turning around, I threw the Stone with a spinner, just like in the Arena, at Gabrielle.

Babah! The stone hit Gabrielle and flew back into my palm.

However, this did little or no harm to Gabriele. She didn't even blush.

"What? I expected more!"

Gabrielle giggled, touched her slightly flushed cheek and spat the alleged phlegm on the ground.

- You call that a blow? - she sneered.

- Blood! I need blood! - interjected Stone.

"Exactly! ...Under the thunderstorms, without blood it is worthless!"

- Well, if you like rough play, I'll show you how to play rough," Gabrielle said ominously, taking a step towards me.

I retreated to the shelf, there was nowhere to go back. But then Gabrielle leaned over and started looking under the bed for something.

"Blood. I need blood. Where can I get blood?"

My eyes scanned the whole room, trying to find the magic answer. The weapon's blindingly quiet, but somewhere in the depths of my ears audible repetition did not help:

- Under thunderstorms, you know what you have to do. I'm sorry. I just wanted to help.

Gabrielle straightened up. In her hand was a long black... Also a cock.

- Here, look at my thing! - She said solemnly, "My great O! A weapon that brings pleasure! A thing worthy of the name of Pride! I have spent all my savings to acquire this thing!

"Doors. Okay. I'm dancing!"

I gathered my strength and jumped out of my seat, trying to get past Gabrielle's side.

But she reacted to my movement and, despite her long monologue, must have reached out to me, because I immediately felt the momentum of my free fall and fell face first towards the cupboard.

I hit the cupboard and when it shook, suddenly all sorts of things and I don't know what came out of the top of the cupboard, probably when the cupboard shelves were opened.

I rolled over and covered my head with my hands, trying to protect myself. Some metal container still fell on my head, but that wasn't so important. It was more important to protect myself from Gabrielle.

I opened my eyes and Gabrielle was standing next to me, leaning over me, with her big fan in her hands. She gasped. I was lying there surrounded and covered with a whole bunch of stuff - dishes, jars, some appliances, grey crystals and so on.

I squeezed Joe's hand tighter. I didn't know what to do, but I figured that the best thing to do would be to block Gabrielle's punch as soon as she moved and roll to the side. And then, advisedly, get up and run. Or fight.

- Girl, I've run out of strength, what more can I do. Soon I won't be able to," Stone began his monologue in a low voice, but as he spoke, Gabrielle spoke up:

- It's like...

- ...And talk. Around...

- ...Running out of energy? - Gabrielle gasped.

- ...me with your blood, and I shall be reborn. You already know...

- I tell you, you're easily out of my grasp...

"Gabrielle can't hear him or what? I don't understand what they're saying together!"

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