Challenge idea: A month without helping others?

365 texts relationships self-knowledge
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 1316 words. Written: 90.

Sometimes we like to help others. Sometimes we like to be helped. But has anyone asked for this help?


1) One month.
2) Don't help if they don't ask.


1) You will observe and learn about yourself and your need to feel more knowledgeable.
2) You'll observe and learn about other people's skills when you're not in their way.
3) Help others to learn and teach. Because they will never learn if you do everything.
4) You'll be able to rest and calm down. If you disappear, nobody dies. It's OK.
5) You'll see that you know people who can take care of themselves.
6) You will help others to learn to ask for help in normal, real, phrases, not in hints.

Perhaps it is worth a try? I wonder what I would learn? What do you think?

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