A story about a homeless person: "There's that broken ceiling over me again"

365 texts fiction
Reflections and drafts

Goal of the day: 252 words. Written: 262.

Ehh... I woke up and that collapsed ceiling is above me again. Grey, the color of the mold that eats away the plaster and dust in places. And reminding me where I am.

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock!

Someone knocked vigorously on the door.

- Alas, bliaat!, - shouted a familiar male voice, - Are you in there again? Get out, it's private territory!

With his last words, I felt like my head was going to explode from the inside. It wasn't a big change, I'd felt it since I'd woken up moments ago, but maybe I was just now aware of the pain…

- Alas, this is the last time. You can still get out today, and tomorrow we will demolish this ruin! Euroremontas, - laughed Algis, the owner of the same voice.

Crushed Algis. I'm only sleeping here temporarily - and doesn't it hurt that this former storeroom will stand a little longer? Why is he so itching to ruin everything? Maybe then let them demolish their houses too??

I was about to say something nasty to him. But I shut up anyway - nah, I'm not going to tell him again that he's like that. I took a breath, rolled over on my side, turned away from the brown door standing crookedly in the wall, and closed my eyes hard.

Closing my eyes didn't make the headache go away, but it didn't matter what that A… Silas would show up. At least today. Later, as you wish, but let me.

- Well, you go, - shouted Algis, - if you're here tomorrow, we'll crash with you all inside.

There was one harder thump against the door—a kick, perhaps—and then the grass rustled as Algius moved further and further away.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I turned on my back again, adjusted the blanket I was wrapped in and looked again at the gray, sometimes greenish and ugly ceiling. It reminded me of my life right now.

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes tightly again. The headache did not stop. Intrusive thoughts too.

When will it stop?


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